"No please don't leave me! Please I beg of you! ...... Please ! Please! ....No this can't be happening!!!! NO NO No....... No don't you dare close your eyes! Please I am begging you please wake up" sobbed a man as he hugged the woman in his arms."you told me! you promised me you would be with me fovever.... I hated you and I pushed you away.....why are you doing this to me now? .... When finally I...I....I...." The man cried hugging the woman's lifeless body tighter refusing to let her go.
" I Know ! I know ! If I tell you...you will listen....haha haha..... that's right" the man laughed finding hope in his insanity as he stared lovingly at the pale woman in his arm.
" you promised to defy the heavens and hell to be with me, you didn't care about anybody......you didn't care about how I felt......SO WHY!, Why do you lay here motionless in my arms?..... You told me I am yours, so why! Why! " Shouted the man at the woman.
" Please! Please!..... I am sorry....so please just..... just .... don't die..... Please don't leave me alone in this world..... I can't... can't live without you...... please.....I ...love.....You...." The man's sobs were uncontrollable as he finally confessed his love to the woman he once despised.
" My Lord... My Lord ..... Gabriel! Stop! .....Stop it she is long gone...she is dead, accept it ! " . Shouted the woman's step-sister as she weeped.
" Shut up! Shut up! .... It's all your fault! ....you ....you are the reason!!!" Yelled the man refusing to let go of the lifeless body.
" You are unbelievable.......yes....you are right.... Just blame it all on me.....oh god! I was so foolish.......ahhhh...there is no point, I don't care anymore afterall my sister....she is
gone...dead .....you love her? Ah, don't make me laugh! You are sick in the head! . Let her go! I am bringing her back home, you don't deserve even to touch her lifeless body....it was you who pushed her away and now when she is gone you want her? " Shouted the dead woman's Step-sister trying to free her sisters body." No! No! STOP! ........ She is mine I am never letting her go and I will kill anybody who tries to separate us" . Said the man in a deadly calm voice . His eyes looked dead loosing it's once beautiful glow, eyes as beautiful as the blue ocean lost its light. The man's whole demoner changed his temperament was ice cold. He carefully lay down his beloved body on floor which was staind with her every own blood. The men looked like a beast ready to unleash havoc.
In a room which is staind in the aftermath of a war, among the many dead bodys lay a woman as dazzling as a black swan she holds a tremendous amount of beauty and darkness within her, she lay in a pool of blood with a gentle smile. Her body was filled with injurys but she looked so peaceful. Her soul has left her body long ago unaware of the catastrophe her death has cost to those who pushed her into this cruel and twisted fate as they fought one another for her lifeless body.
Somewhere far above the skys~
" What a pity she died again and what a mess she has caused this time! What a poor soul to have suffered yet another cruel death but at least they met this time." Sighed the man.
" I indeed pity the soul that was cursed by lady fate herself. Never getting a chance to enjoy the beauty of life and always dying at a young age, if only she never made that foolish mistake!" Said the bored Deity closing the window to the mortal realm as he reminisced about her past lives. Sighing the great Deity went back to work sad that his favorite past time is no more at least for the time being as a another cruel life waits her.
Author note:
I know the chapters are short but I promise it will get better. It's my first time writing so please enjoy, if you have any feedback please do share!

Till We Meet Again
Любовные романыIf only I took your hand If only I wasn't so foolish If only I just believed in your love If only I wasn't cursed If only fate forgave me If only I could correct my wrong " It's about time you forgave her, don't you think lady Fate, she has suffere...