Duet •Jen Beattie•

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We had done it again. Arsenal had won 2-0 against Everton in this evenings game. The kick off had begun at 7pm. And although I weren't in the starting line up, I didn't mind being on the bench; it gave me the opportunity to be a source of support for the girls on the pitch, shouting and screaming until my throat was raw, alongside the others on the bench. My cheering gaining momentum as a certain player was subbed on.

I couldn't help but admire her presence as she warmed up in front of the dug-out. Stretching her limbs, preparing to join the other 10 girls on the pitch. Jen Beattie. Even though she was almost 10 years older than me, I couldn't help the blossoming crush that had developed over the last year of me joining the London reds. She was one of the first people to greet me on my first day, and always made sure I was comfortable and knew what was going on. Her kind and caring nature only increased my attraction towards her. She was truly beautiful, the way her eyes would crease as she laughed, or the way she would lick her lips before she spoke. Everything about her sent my head into a spiral. Yet no one knew. I had managed to hide my infatuation for the defender, although it was difficult. Every smile or wink that was sent my way, made my legs feel like jelly, and sent my heart beat skyrocketing.

So watching her on the pitch, as she blocked passes and made tackles to gain back the ball; every movement she made had me in a trance, so days like today, I didn't mind being on the bench. But after the successful win in the city of Liverpool against the 'toffees' it was time for our long coach trip back down to London.

I was last to walk onto the coach, as I liked to take my time to process the atmosphere after a game in each city we went to. Walking down the isle of the coach, was like stepping into different scenes of different movies - there was just so much going on. Katie MccCabe and Lisa Evans were sat bickering at each other like always. Leah Williamson was shaking her head at something stupid Jordan Nobbs had said - nothing out of the ordinary there. Vivianne Miedema was fast asleep already, AirPods pushed snugly into her ears. I let out a slightly chuckle to myself as I continued my way to my seat, which was situated at the back table, with Emma Mitchell, Beth Mead and Jen Beattie. Each time I sat facing her, a blush would creep onto my cheeks and I became timid, always claiming that I was tired, in hopes that no one suspected anything about the way the older girl made me feel.

"You girls played amazingly tonight" I started up a conversation with the three players in front on me. As I was the younger of the group, i often expressed my admiration for the older girls, as I often looked up to them when I was still playing in academy teams. Trying to copy their playing styles no matter what position they played. I was always in awe of them.

"Awww thanks little one" Beth always enjoyed pointing out that I was always the younger one of our friendship group.

"No problem, oldie" I sent a wink towards the blonde, retaliating with an insult that she hated. She responded with a shocked expression, bringing her hand up to her chest as if to say how dare you. The other two women chuckled at the interaction, before Jen replied to my previous compliment.

"Thanks babe." The sweet smile displayed on her face, along with her words made me smile back at her before my eyes darted down to the table, feeling shy at the pet name. The pet names from Jen where nothing new, it was just how she spoke, but they never failed to give me butterflies at the polite words of affection.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Katie looking at me with her eyebrows raised, subtly questioning my sudden timidness. Uh oh, she might be on to my crush.

A couple hours passed as we were not at least halfway back to London, the boredom now started to get to me as I lightly drummed my fingers onto the small table. Finding the beat catchy, I began tapping my feet along with bobbing my head. The actions were caught by the Scottish defender, as she shot me a smirk and pulled out her guitar from the overhead compartment, and began strumming some random chords, filling the back of the coach with a melody.

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