chapter three

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Today was school and the time I have to talk to Jake.So I took a shower and got some combat boots,blue jeans and a shirt that had a wolf on it.When I went inside my car and drove to school I catched my mates scent and it was in the forest by the school,so I went their I parked my car and got out then I went closer and my wolf was dying to see her mate then she said mate,mate then I saw him and I told my wolf to calm down but he was with someone else so I looked closely and he was with a girl and he was saying "She doesn't want me,so I rejected her and I'm going to go away for a while and take some time to think".she said,"I don't think you should what if something is going to happen and you won't be their". She had an accent amd was pretty then he said "I don't think their is going to but I feel broken and only she can fix it cause she's my mate"."I know but it will only hurt more if you go".He said "No Paige,I'm going away and that is final".I realized what he's doing now he's running away so I screamed and said"NO and by that time I didn't notice I was crying,I wiped them away and went up to him and said"please don't leave me please".I couldn't describe how his face was right now it was kinda shocked and more and he said"What are you doing here".I mumbled "I smelled you","What was that I didn't hear you".I said"That's not the point my wolf missed you and only me a little bit and I was going to say, I want to be your mate I feel lonely without you",and then I forgot Paige was here and I said "Oh hi, and who are you?","Hello I'm Paige and Andrews sister".I said"oh cool" I was jealous gosh silly me haha!and she said"you were jealous"I said "How did you know","You said it out loud"I was so embarrassed I covered my face with my hands and I'm pretty sure I was red as a tomato and I said"Can I talk to him alone please", she said"sure"."Ok thanks"and in saw her give him a thumbs up sign,he looked at me and at the same time me and him said"I'm sorry"I said "For what"?"for rejecting you I was broken cause I knew you were going to reject me so I just rejected you,but I didn't know it would affect you more than me"."It's Ok but can we at least try to go out and date","Yeah sure even in front of everyone","well yeah your my mate",then it went on like that we went out on a date and had fun,we laughed and talked but I had a feeling someone was stalking us so we left."I had a good time to tonight"he said "Me to I hope we can do this another day"then or III please were looking at us and whispering I said"Well I got to go bye","bye".

Crystals pov

I had the best time of my life even though he is an omega he's really nice and caring.someone knocked at my door and I said"come in"and a girl came in her name was Bethany she was also an omega "Your father wants to see you in his office","OK thanks"then she bowed her head I don't like people doing that I want them to treat me like any other pack member"don't bow your head ever again"and she said"okay"when she left I got dressed to go to my dad's office after i was done taking a shower I went to my dad's office when I was almost their I heard yelling in their I didn't want to go in but I saw a girl eavesdropping she had her ear on the door and I said"hey I've never seen you before you're not supposed to be over here",she acted like she didn't hear, so she ran and I said "come back here"and she dissapeared out of nowhere and I looked for hours and didn't find her and I forgot about my dad and I said"Man he is going to be mad","Who"I looked to the side and saw a boy their I said"None of your concern","Sorry,sorry I was trying to make a conversation"he took out his hand"I'm Jordan"I shacked it and said"crystal","well I'll see you around crystal and lovely name"then he kissed my hand and left,OK not weird at all.I went to my dad's office and went in and heard crashing so I went in and saw my dad trying to rape Bethany (omega)and I screamed at my dad in my alpha voice"STOP RIGHT THUS INSTANT,WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE."!"DO NOT SCREAM AT YOUR ALPHA/DAD YOUNG LADY,I WAS TEACHING THIS OMEGA BY TELLING HER NOT TO DISRESPECT ME","BY WHAT RAPING HER,YOU DO NOT DO THAT TO PACK MEMBERS ESPECIALLY OMEGAS DAD, I HATE PEOPLE THAT DO THAT JUST CAUSE THEIR LOW CLASS DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TIME TO ABUSE,RAPE OR DO ANYTHING TO THEM.TREAT THEM LIKE YOU DO TO EVERYONE ELSE".He struck back at my voice,I looked over at Bethany and saw her crying and she was scared at his voice and mine I told my dad "say sorry to Bethany and I want to say sorry myself cause I'm not supposed to yell at my not well behaved father and can I was wondering if I could be alpha,if we could do a ceremony tomorrow please","ok and im sorry Bethany and yes you may get the losition tomorrow if your able to handle it and I saw him give her a were doing this later look to Bethany, I said"no father your not going to start this again,be mature will you,I will have to show you tomorrow at the ceremony,"But I do not want to give you my position as alpha so your going to have to fight first it","oh OK I'm going to have fun with you,come on Bethany"she got up and scrambled over to me.we left the room and I told Bethany "Do you now all the omegas","yes","OK I want you to bring all of them here and you come to k"."OK crystal and thank you".She left and now I have to take a shower and get dressed.

I went in the bathroom and as my clothes hit the ground I heard a noise in my room.I just went back to my shower when the cold water hit my back. I just grabbed the shampoo and conditioner and put it in my hair and when I was done,I got out and changed in the restroom brushed my hair then got a blow dryer and dressed it,then I straightened my hair and got out,I saw someone on my bed so I said "Who are you?","Do you not remember me,I'm Jordan an omega",.I said "Oh yeah, well you need to get out, I didn't tell anyone to come in here,so get out",he said "Bethany said I could come in here","Well I didn't tell her to let anyone in so just get out",he was so creepy he said "Just after im done with this"then he laughed an evil laugh,i just knew right now that i was in some deep shiz!!

Andrews pov

I heard my mate,she was crying, we were with Bethany and she told all the omegas, so she bring them I was curious so I went in her room and saw a boy trying to choke her I growled so loud"DON'T TOUCH HER",she looked at me and said"get away","Is this your little mate,well I guess I can have fun with that"he had an austrailian accent,crystal said"go away ANDREW",he grabbed her neck and said "Don't talk,you wolf,my real name is Henry and I'm a hunter,I heard a few gasps or 'how did he hide his scent' "Cut the crap I'm here cause I heard little miss goody two shoes here, was going to be alpha,I came to warn you,I'm going to kill all you wolves and you won't do anything about it",he jumped out the window.

I saw crystal mind linking her dad to get the hunter and I was going to help her out but she said"please don't touch me this is why you are an omega, you do what we order you to do,am I right"I was confused by her outburst and kind of sad she said that to me,her mate, but shaked my head 'yes', she hesitated on saying it and I had some hope that maybe she was just saying that on purpose.

As I was walking I saw crystal with some guy and I got all of a sudden jealous,they were holding hands and I yelled out her name"CRYSTAL,WHO IS THIS?","This is my boyfriend and he's my mate, so please calm down"she was smiling at him and at me,"Is this a joke,I'm your mate","NO,YOUR NOT, YOUR AN OMEGA, AND THIS IS MY MATE ,YOUR AN OMEGA THAT HELPS US,AND YOUR THE PUNCHING BAG FOR US,AND A SERVANT,I DO NOT HAVE YOU AS A MATE AND I LOVE ASH AND I ALWAYS FEEL TINGLES WHEN WE TOUCH".Everyone from the pack house,was where we were standing surrounding us.

I was fumming with hate,anger sadness and mostly betrayal, how could she do this to me, I'M her mate and she is mine and mine only and I'll do something about it,but that boy is in the way of me making her mine again,I'll just have to do something about that.

Crystals pov

I can't believe I said that to him,I'M really mad at myself how could I do that to him,but it had to be done,for his own good,i know he doesn't hear me know,but i love him and i always will.

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