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Your Pov

After the shift, I walked back home with f/n. At first we just smiled because of the battle that we won, but soon I remembered that I had to sell my house. "F/n." "Yeah?" F/n said as she looked at me while walking. "I need to sell my house. Do you know anyone or a place we can go to so I can sell it?" I asked. "Well," f/n said," you could sell it to a person who needs a home that we know." "I could sell it to af/n (another friend's name.). I heard that she needs a house." "Ok. You got her phone number?" "Yeah. I also got the deed to the house." I said. "How much will you sell it for?" F/n asked curiously. "I don't know. Maybe for 500$ or 1000$." I said. "How about you sell it for 1000$? Af/n can afford that right?" F/n said impatiently. "Yeah I guess. Oh hey look there's home!" I said hoping that she would see her house. "Yay!" She said excitedly as she ran. I shrugged and guessed that she was tired from the battle. Once we were inside, f/n ran to the couch and watched T.V. I walked to my room to call af/n to sell my house.

"Hola Amigo(Hello Friend!) Haven't heard from you in a while!" She said enthusiastically. "Hola! I heard that you needed a house so I decided to call you since I got a house to sell!" I said calmly. "Really?" She asked happily. "Yes really! It costs 1000$ and the house is 20 minutes from f/n's house." "Wait your selling your mom's house?" She asked in a confused voice. "She passed away and I decided to sell the house so that I could move on..." I said sadly. I was close to crying and there was a moment of silence. A few minutes later the silence was broken and af/n asked," Has there been a funeral for her yet?" "No there won't be one. The police said her corpse was destroyed on accident. I bet it's gone and someone screwed up with the corpse." I said a bit angrily. "Y/n calm down. I will come over to f/'s house so we can talk about the house you wanna sell. Okay?" "Okay." I said. I hadn't realized it, but I had crying a little bit out of sadness and anger. Suddenly the call ended and she had hung up. I put my phone on top of my dresser and just laid down on my bed. I wanted Freddy with me so I could cheer up and cuddle with him. I grabbed my plushie out of my purse which was on the floor and I held onto it. I closed my eyes and thought of all my memories. The past with my childhood and friends. The present with my job and with f/n and Freddy. And then the future which I couldn't predict. I then kept thinking more and more until I fell asleep with my thoughts. Once I fell asleep, I started dreaming of a dream with Shoop and Sithsyd.

"Shoop this is YOUR punishment for writing that poem. I told you I would get back at you!" Sithsyd said looking at Shoop. "Oh come on! It was just one little poem! Besides it what you deserved since you kept being all playful about the class."Shoop said. "Well I still don't see as to why I should panic when it comes to that class." Sithsyd said. Shoop then facepalmed and then when she looked up from faceplaming, she noticed me. "Oh hey y/n!." Shoop said. Sithsyd looked over to my direction and saw that I was here. "Oh hey! Come over here so we can talk about your reward and her punishment." I walked over to them confused and asked Shoop," Why are you being punished?" "Because I did a little something that made Sithsyd ticked off." And then she laughed. Sithsyd then said, "Yes well since the aniamontronics don't like you much, you better survive if you want out." I then knew from there I was going to keep Shoop alive. Even though she had been a little annoying, she didn't seem that bad and I knew this since I could see fear and innocence in those eyes of her. To break the silence that was going on, I then cleared my throat. "The reward Sith?" "Oh yeah!", she said happily. "You will get that extra room, and get two special things after Shoop is no longer manager. " "That is all?" I asked disappointed. "No," she said," You will need to either let Shoop die or let her live in order to get your last two suprises. If she dies, then she will be stuck in the pizzeria with you for a long time." She said with a insane look. Was this girl insane? I looked at Shoop for an answer but she seemed to be lost in "La La La Land." (XD) I looked back at Sithsyd only to see her with a knife. "Now get going before I rip out your intestines and skip rope with them!"

I ran and ran until I woke up and I could see Y/n in my face as she yelled," Y/n, get going! Af/n is here!" I quickly shoved her out of my face and ran to the living room only to see af/n. "Well hello sleepy head! Let's get this started!" She said. I got out the deed from my pocket and she handed me the money. She smiled weakly as I gave her the money and I said, "Gracias and De Nada." (Thanks and your welcome.) She nodded left with the deed. I then went back to my bedroom to go back to sleep. As I was about to walk into my bed room, f/n shoved me and I fell to the ground. I quickly got back up and said quietly, "Sorry." I then started to walk back into the room only to have her grab my arm and say, "Sorry doesn't cut it. You want me to forgive you then just don't treat me like crap. I understand that you were in a hurry, but there was no need to do that." She soon let go and I quickly shut the door soon as I entered the room. I paced back and forth and thought about what I did.

F/n's Pov

I was ticked off when y/n shoved me out of the way, so when she was done with the conversations with af/n, I got my revenge. I didn't know what got into her, but there was no need for for her to have done that to me! After I left her, I watched some more T.V. and thought about it. "Maybe she had a dream that triggered her instincts." I thought. "Yeah that makes sense. Oh hey look it's my favorite show! (So much for thinking). I then watched my show and gave up on thinking about it. I would get to it later when I felt like it. I wondered what time it was,so I checked what time it was by looking at my clock and it said, " 12:00PM." I then got up and made lunch.

"Y/n! Come here for lunch!" I yelled. I then walked to the dinning area to the dinning table and sat down in a chair. I ate the pizza I cooked as I waited for y/n to come. A few moments later, she finally came and sat down and ate pizza with me. At first we ate in silence, but then I couldn't take it anymore so I broke the silence by saying," So have you had any dreams lately?" I then put a hand my mouth having realized what I said. And then she told me about the dream she had. Things made sense as to why she acted like that and after lunch we watched a marathon of our favorite show.

Freddy's Pov

I wish today wasn't so SLOW! Normally the day goes by fast, but today was just extremely slow. I would occasionally sneak a peek at Chica or Bonnie to see if they felt the same. Chica seemed more glitchy today than before and parents seemed to notice it. Employees seemed to notice too, but I was too tired and impatient to care. I looked at Bonnie and he felt the same about today though. I could see he was impatient and tried too. "Alright kids! Let's let the gang rest while you eat !" One of the employees said. Once the curtains closed, all three of us walked to the backstage area and we relaxed and talked. "I wish today wasn't so SLOW!" Bonnie said "Yeah me too, but we gotta keep going on with our performances." I said calmly. "YeS..." Chica said with a glitched voice. "Chica are you okay?" Bonnie asked with concern. "No, I aM N-n-oT" She said with a even more worse voice. I walked towards Chica and inspected her gear to see if anything was wrong. (Btw Freddy is just looking at her for.those with insane minds...)She was perfectly fine and nothing was broken so it didn't make sense. "Chica's gear isn't broken. It's normal..." I said confused. "Chica are you stressed about something?" Bonnie asked. Chica nodded and her head started twitching. "HeLp mE!" She cried as she became glitchy. Chica fell to the ground and started twitching insanely. I backed up in fear and didn't know what to do. I looked towards Bonnie for an answer, but he was frozen too. Suddenly he moved and got to Chica's side. Chica whispered something to Bonnie that I couldn't hear and then Bonnie motioned me to leave. I did as he wanted me to and walked to the room y/n Once hid in. And then I started thinking about y/n as Bonnie helped Chica...

Chica's Pov

I had planned on telling Bonnie my feelings towards him, but I started stressing out insanely. And from there it got worse. I didn't plan on telling Bonnie my feelings this way, but if I didn't then the stress would kill me. "BoNnIe." "Yes?" He asked concerned as he was next to me. "I-I LiKe yOu." I said nervously while glitchy. He then hugged me and nodded letting me he felt the same. I smiled having known that he knew me too well. Suddenly our hugging was interrupted by Freddy commuting in and intruding the moment. Freddy smiled and told us to get back to the stage. "Oh so this was the problem. Well you two love birds need to get back to the stage." "Freddy!" Bonnie shouted annoyed. I laughed seeing him annoyed. We got up and got back to stage to do a couple more performances until Y/n's shift.

Author's Note: My hands are killing me, but I survived! Sorry I haven't written much lately. I will have Summer Break soon so don't worry! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you enjoy this story. And yes I canceled Q and A so that I could move on. Again I am sorry for not being here much. :)

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