Superheroes for a Day!

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(If necessary, use this as an example of what this fic will entail. The stories do not have to be connected to this, though!)

Alfalfa had become obsessed with the idea of being a superhero. It had all started when he got his hands on one of those new Marvel comics, and now he was determined to become a crime-fighting vigilante just like The Phantom.

He ran back and forth between the row of seats and the jury table in the clubhouse, imagining that he was chasing down a neighbourhood tough guy.

"Hoiiiyah! Huh! Ha!!!" He spat, karate chopping the air as if a villain were in front of him. Thick eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched, he focused all his energy into pummelling his non-existent opponent.

Buckwheat, who was sitting nonchalantly on one of the benches, and Porky, sat beside his friend and shovelling a sandwich down his throat, raised their eyebrows, perplexed.

Straightening his bow tie and taking several strides back, Alfalfa began to take a run up, attempting a flying-scissor kick in the air, though he tripped over his untied shoelaces instead. Buckwheat's eyes widened, Porky's too, though the pair applauded anyway.

Sighing, Spanky dragged himself over to the comic book-obsessed kid and elbowed him in the ribs. Alfalfa winced in pain.

"Say, what's the big idea?" Spanky asked in confusion. A self-satisfied grin crept onto Alfalfa's cheeks.

"I'm practising, Spank. I'm gonna be a superhero!" He beamed, puffing out his chest proudly. Spanky began to grin, too.

"Why, that's a swell idea!" He chimed, before stepping away and clambering onto the stool at the front of the clubhouse, leaning his palms onto the wooden bench before him. Buckwheat, Porky, and Alfalfa all snapped to attention, knowing that there was going to be an announcement of sorts.

"Why don't we form a new club?" He began, nodding to Alfalfa, "The crime-fightin' righteousness league!"

The three boys observing began to hoot and holler at the plain but exciting declaration, and Spanky held his hands up to say thank you for the praise.

"Otay, 'Panky !" Porky and Buckwheat whistled in unison, cheery smiles occupying the entire bottom halves of their baby faces.

Alfalfa scampered to the door excitedly, then whipped around to face his friends.

"All right, I'll go and fetch Darla!" He nodded at them, much to Spanky's dismay.

"No, no, 'Falf. Not in my superhero team!" Spanky frowned. Despite being friends with Darla, he was still very wary of girls and their ulterior motives, and didn't want her in this club. Besides, she was a girl! Girls don't play superhero!

Alfalfa's face dropped as he continued to hang on the door.

"Say, Spank. Darla's our friend, and I want her in the club!" He growled, doe eyes squinting.

Spanky didn't appreciate Alfalfa's attitude towards him and continued to protest.

"Well, pal, it's my club and I don't want her in it. Girls can't be superheroes." He seethed, rolling his eyes.

Alfalfa released the door handle, striding over to Spanky in annoyance, now positively fuming.

"Say, why's it your club? Superheroes was my idea! And what's all this about girls can't be superheroes? Darla would love to be a superhero too!" He said, baring his teeth and clenching his pale fists. It would have been intimidating had he not had his Disney eyes and a face littered in freckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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