Swirl n Whirl

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"Welcome to Swirl n Whirl, how may I help you?" A teen girl in a blonde-to-red ombre ponytail, wearing a Swirl n Whirl uniform, touched her lips in a sigh. 

A little girl with long, ginger hair approached the counter. "Can I have Cherry, Mango, Lemon, Apple, Blueberry, and Grape stacked up like a rainbow?"

"Yeah sure, whatever. It's your body," the teen replied. She then went into the kitchen and grabbed the six bowls of ice cream. "Here you go... that'll be 15 bucks.... Don't rot your teeth." The teen slouched at the counter. The child glared at the teen and walked away, licking her ice cream.

"Jade?" The teen looked up. A 4.5-foot-tall Asian woman with 3-foot-long hair stood in front of her. "What?"

"Were you being snarky?"

"Not my fault," Jade lied. "Luna and Crystal kept meowing at me all night."

"Right," said the Asian woman sarcastically. "Your cats are dogs. Likely. Anyways, its Teliz's shift now. go home."

"Gladly," scoffed Jade as she walked away from the counter.


'Bing!' A text popped up on Jade's phone. 

"How was work?"

                                                              Jade started texting.

                                                                                                                        "Good, I guess. There was some                                                                                                                                                             brat kid."

"You and people though. Youre at                                                                                                                                 Beef Queen, right?"

                                                                                                                                   "How did you know?"

"I'm right behind you!"

Jade put down her phone and looked back.

"RAAH!" A teen boy with short, voluminous black hair stood behind Jade.

"Oh... VERY funny, Ross."

"Oh you," joked Ross. "Always so serious! Show me a smile!" Jade forced herself to smile using her fingers. Ross smacked her back playfully. "OWW!" Jade glared back at him. Ross seemed startled, then sighed. "Its fine, I get it... Goodbye, Jade."

"Ross, wait, I'm sorry.. I'm just in a bad mood.." But he already drove away.

*Back at home*

Jade was laying on her bed with Luna and Crystal. "Pshh. So I guess I'll be one of those crazy cat ladies," she sighed. "Stupid, unempathetic boyfriend. Stupid Swirl n Whirl. Stupid red-headed brat... You two are all a girl should need."

Suddenly, a white aura appeared out her window...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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