Part 1- 1:29pm

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Ok so this is JUST A DRAFT. it's not the final copy. I'm working on it. Suggestions are welcome.

Magnus clutched a crappy cup of Starbucks coffee in his hand, not doubting that it would be one of many. He had an 8-hour gap between his two flights, which wasn't fun by itself, but all the hotel rooms were booked and he was forced to wander the airport like some sort of mentally broken ghost.

He sighed, sinking back into a couch.

He pulled out his phone. He needed to save battery for the flight, but what else could he do? Not sleep, that's for sure, he didn't feel comfortable enough with all these strangers around. Plus, he could charge his phone at some charging point later.

He plugged in his air pods before opening Spotify and playing Sweater Weather. Deciding to go do something after a few minutes, he walked to the nearest Starbucks to get a coffee refill, and maybe some food.

The moment he came near, he noticed a guy with bright green hair yelling at the server. A stab of annoyance shot through Magnus. He hated rude customers, he got enough of them at his job at a falafel place back in Boston.

"Hey, why are you yelling?" Magnus asked, annoyed, as he reached the counter. Luckily, there was no queue.

"They don't have anything! Ugh," the guy groaned, storming off. Magnus watched him leave, confused. He mentally shrugged at that weird interaction. Not his problem.

"Thanks," the barista smiled. "What would you like?"

"I'll have a takeaway flat white and, um." A half-baked plan as crappy as his previous coffee appeared to him. "Two plain bagels please."

"Alright, that will be just a moment."

Magnus looked around. He heard that the airport was pretty cool, which was a good thing for him, as he had plenty of time to explore. He must have gotten lost in thought, as a moment later, his order was being placed on his counter. He paid and hurried off to the nearest lounge.

Sure enough, the rude customer was sitting in one of the chairs, headphones plugged in, and watching Tick Tock or something on his phone (Magnus didn't know, he wasn't really caught up in social media). A voice startled Magnus from his thoughts.

"What do you want?" The guy asked, frowning at him, his headphones around his neck.

"Why were you so angry? You know those people have a rough time as it is," Magnus pointed out.

"What do you do in your free time, go after every customer that raises their voice?" He caught the look on Magnus' face. "Yeah I know, I'm just tired. My flight got delayed and I've been waiting here for 4 hours. Another 4 to go," he sighed, rubbing his eyes. Magnus sat down in a chair next to him.

"I've got an 8-hour gap between now and my next flight," he informed woefully. "My name's Magnus, by the way."

"Huh. Good luck. My name is Alex. Pronouns are she/her unless I tell you otherwise. He/him right now, though," Alex explained.

"Oh," Magnus replied awkwardly. He held out his paper bag. "Want a bagel?"


After eating, Alex and Magnus decided it would be a good idea to browse through the most expensive shops they could find.

"Hey Magnus, want a $2,395 handbag?" Alex called from across the shop, holding up the bag in question. Magnus winced.

"That might put a slight dent in my bank account." He could tell the employee was starting to get annoyed, so he quickly grabbed Alex and exited the store.

"How do they even make money?" Magnus asked in disbelief.

"I dunno. People are weird," Alex replied. "Hey, I'm hungry. Let's go get doughnuts or something." Magnus smiled, realising he had made a new friend.

"Airports are strange," Alex pondered as they navigated the building.

"Yeah! Like time's all warped and stuff. What time even is it right now?" Magnus asked. Alex pulled up his sleeve and consulted the imaginary watch on his wrist before looking up again.

"Airport time," he said with a straight face. Magnus giggled.

"Oh!" He stopped and grabbed Alex's wrist, pointing toward a doughnut store. Alex made a face at the hefty prices displayed above the counter.

"Airport currency," he muttered disapprovingly.

"Oh come on, look at the bright side! Doughnuts!" Magnus pointed out.

"How are you still alive?" Alex marvelled as he grudgingly followed Magnus into the short queue.

Magnus pointedly ignored him, peering into the display case. "What flavour?"

Alex shrugged, "Another bagel?"

"You better be joking," Magnus said, concerned.

"Hi, two cinnamon doughnuts, please," he said to the server, who smiled and picked out the order with a pair of crusty-looking tongs from the case. He slipped them into a bag and passed them to Magnus, who nodded in thanks.

"Cinnamon? Really?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, because you had a better idea."



Please read these.

Ok so. Things are gonna be inaccurate. I don't want to do research. So the flights are gonna be random and time isn't gonna add up. I don't have any sense of time at all, so suggestions would be great for the time stamps. I don't have brain cells. But i hope anyone who reads this (looking at you, Editor, I know you snoop) will enjoy it anyway.

Also, it's gonna be short, with tiny chapters only slightly longer than this and not many of them. In case you clicked on here hoping for a fancy plot, leave. It's fluff. with a cute, short story. But, again, I hope anyone who stumbles across it likes it.

P.S in case you haven't read the description, none of the images are mine and credit goes to the people who took them.


Yes Author. I do snoop but what are you going to do about it? (Btw, love the story. It might have no plot but your sense of style and proficiency with writing easily makes up for that)

We hope anyone who reads this enjoys it and please point out any mistakes or plot holes if you have time.

Happy Reading,

-The WeirdO_Stories cast

A/N Reply

Thanks Lofi! Sharing and account with you has perks

P.S how do you change the font

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