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"So, how was the date", Selina asked Irene through the cell phone. Helena tilted her head toward the ground, smiling, "it actually great. His name is Matt, and he is a lawyer. But he is actually a really great guy, I think we kind of clicked". From the other line Selina now bore a smile, "that's great, she said".

"Yeah", Irene started, "we set up a date for Thursday, at the same place". Selina's smile brightened, then she heard a knock from her door. "Well, you kids have fun on Thursday, I've got to go, Tom is here"

Irene hung up her phone, then put it in her pocket. She only walked a few more strides, then stopped as she realized her phone was buzzing. Ruining her dreamy thoughts of Matt, she reached passed her credit card, grabbed her phone, took it out of her pocket, then declined the call, and put it back in her pocket. After a few more steps, it began buzzing again. She ripped the phone out of her pocket, accepted the call, and angrily said, "What do you want".

"Hello", the voice said, "this is Alex from the board of Chicago Music Choice Awards 2015. We would like to invite you to perform live at Bently Stage on Thursday, April 28th". Irene had a sudden burst of joy. "Oh my, well yes", she said excitedly. "Okay, the voice responded, please arrive backstage at six o'clock P.M. Thank you".

Irene had been trying to enter her song "Falling" into the Chicago Music Choice Awards for three years now. She was so excited about making it, she completely forgot about her date with Matt on Thursday. Overwhelmed with relief and hapiness, she continued walking to her apartment.

As she continued walking through the crowd, she had an increasing feeling that someone was watching her. As she got closer to her apartment, she couldn't help but look over her shoulder to see a man pushing his way through the crowd, toward her.

She looked back forward and increased speed. A few strides later she was running. She quickly looked back over her shoulder. The man was gaining on her. She tried to run faster, but the man dove on her, and tackled her to the ground.

"Ahhhh", she screamed, terrified. On the ground, she watched the man get up off the ground. "I'm so sorry", he was saying, "I tripped over my own feet". She turned over and realized that it was Matt, standing above her with his handing reaching toward hers, offering to help her up.

She grabbed his hand and pulled her up. "You left your credit card at the restaurant", he said as he picked it off the ground. Still frightened she said, "thank you", wearily. Then remembering that their date was scheduled for Thursday, she said, "Oh, and something has come up, so I can't make our date o Thursday, but if you would like......"

"No, it's fine", he said, rudely interrupting her, "I knew this would happen. Just forget it". Then he began to walk away. Irene thought about stopping him, but then realizing how rude he was, just turned around and walked back toward he apartment.

What she didn't realize was that the second she turned around, Matt continued following her.

As she entered the apartment building, she thought about calling Selina about the Music Festival, and Matt, but remembered she was with Tom. She walked up the five flights of stairs to her apartment. As she got her keys out of her pocket, she heard a noise coming from the stairs behind her. She turned around and saw nothing. To tired to investigate, she put the key in the lock, twisted it, and opened the door.

She walked thorough the door and toward the fridge. As she opened the fridge to get a beer, she heard a noise behind her, and turned around to see that she had forgotten to shut the door. She walked toward the door, shut it, and then walked back to the fridge.

She took the beer out of the fridge and closed it. She sat on the couch and opened the beer, then reached for the TV remote, and turned on the television. The TV turned on to the news to see a picture of a dead woman's body, eyes bulging out, and legs and arms cut off.

"This is body of Casandra Evans, who was mutilated only twenty minutes after having a date with a man names Christopher White. She seems to have been strangled with some type of thin metal wire after having her arms cut off with what was most likely an axe. If you know of a Christopher White please call 911 immediate......". She switched the channel over to the discovery channel which was playing Mythbusters. After a few minute of that she turned off the TV and set her beer on the coffee table.

She walked into her bathroom. After thirty minutes of showering, washing off her makeup and using the toilet, she exited the bathroom wearing her pajamas. She walked into her bedroom, laid on her be and instantly began to fall asleep.

After being asleep for only about thirty minutes, she was woken by a loud noise coming from her closet. She tried to go back to sleep, but after ten minutes of laying awake, she got up and crept toward the closest. She reached out her hand to open the door, grabbed the doorknob, and as she began to twist it, the door violently slammed open, and she was thrown on the ground.

She looked up to see Matt holding a clothes hanger in one hand and a hatchet in the other.

The hatchet swung down and hit her right where her left leg met her hip. She screamed and blood immediately began to soak her pajamas. He brought the axe back up and swung it back down at her leg. She screamed louder, and her leg was almost coming off.

She knew she would die of blood loss soon. Matt whipped her in the face with the clothes hanger, put it around he neck, turned her over, and then began to pull. Irene couldn't get any air to her lungs. Her eyes began to bulge out of head and she felt life slip away.

Written by XxINFERNOxX_

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