Chapter 3

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I was in bed 3 days after Stella and the motel incident but thankfully I had a day off so I could sleep in everything was going peacefully until I got a phone call

Uhg what now?-Y/N

I said as I rolled around and grabbed my phone off my dresser to see who it was, it was from Blitzo




Hey Y/N I know it's your day off and all but imma need you to get your ass down here-Blitzo


What do you mean no!-Blitzo

I mean no it's my day off and I want to sleep-Y/N

Y/N please I really need you here its an emergency!-Blitzo

3 days-Y/N


I want three days off if I come into work I 3 days off from now on-Y/N

Are you out of your human mind!? No, absolutely not!-Blitzo

Damn, then I guess I can't come in but hey! I hope you can deal with that emergency bu, bye now!-Y/N

Right before I was about to hang up Blitzo stopped me

Wait, wait, wait!... Fine from now on you can have 3 days off but that's it! I'm not paying you for the days you're gone!-Blizto


Just get down here!-Blitzo

Blitzo then hangs up the phone and the portal then opens up to the side of me

*sigh* of course on my day off...-Y/N

I get up and put on the I.M.P hoodie and some SF/C sweats some socks and shoes and go inside the portal 

I'm in the I.M.P building  and look at Millie Moxxie and Loona who have shocked and scared looks on their faces

...Hey everyone, is Blitzo in his office?-Y/N

They all nod simultaneously and I walk to his office

I wonder why they look so spooked...-Y/N

I open the door to Blitzos office

Hey Blitzo--Y/N

When I look inside I see Blitzo in his chair

And none other than Stella sitting across from him with her arms crossed they seemed to be arguing 

Oh no...-Y/N

Look as I told your husband we aren't bodyguards were hitmen now take that shit somewhere else!-Blitzo

And I'm telling you this is a special event! Certain people are going to want me dead! I need protection!-Stella

Well get it somewhere else because were!--Blitzo

He Blitzo you needed me?-Y/N

I said interrupting the argument they both looked at me Blitzo with a broad smile and Stella with a soft smile

Finally, you're here!-Blitzo

Yeah I am why is that exactly?-Y/N

Well your girlfriend here--Blitzo

We're not together Blitzo how many times have I said this?-Y/N

I spoke with a light blush on my cheeks but for some reason, Stella had a small look of disappointment on her face which quickly disappeared 

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