Little school oneshot

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"God he's just so cute" I muttered, while leaning my chin on my hand. "Hm?" asked f/n as she dragged her attention towards me. "Nothing" I responded.
Class had ended so I hurriedly stuffed the book and pen in my backpack, grabbed my sweater, and threw on my backpack as I headed towards the door. I mean, I can't lie to myself. I know schools literally just started, and I've barley spoken a word to him, but I think I'm in love with c/n.
As I walked into history, my least favorite subject, I sat myself down and took out my belongings. I couldn't help but look in his direction. His hair looked so soft as if I could run my hands through it so easily. His eyes, the different colors mixed so well, I could find my self staring at him. Realizing, I looked to the front of the class and copied what the teacher was writing on the board. History affected my grade a good amount. It made my gpa from a perfect 4.0 , to a 3.7. And that's because I hate participating. Yea it's still a good gpa, but I know I can do better, that I am better. I just can't find myself to raise my hand in class, proudly raise my voice and answer a question, or read aloud a text to a whole group of kids who honestly were all douchebags. I put my head down on the cold hard desk, the feeling spreading along my cheeks. I sighed, lifted my head back up, and continued to copy what was written on the board.
"Hiiiiiii, you seemed so out of it in history like, are you good?" Said f/n. "Yea I'm fine, just hate the fact that my hand feels like it's broken" I responded. "Welp, wanna come to my place after school?" "Eh I can't, I have (club name) until 4:20". "Oh, I forgot , well if you talk or hangout, call me" "yea" I know I won't. She's getting annoying...
"Hello y/n! Nice to see you here again"
" Hi t/n, how are you?" "Oh good you know, thanks for asking" I took my seat and waited until we started the club activity's.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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