Twelve: Goodnight & Goodbye

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This story is almost over guys!!

Enjoy it!!


Alex's POV

I was hugging Michael when the shot came. It was coming for me, and Michael stopped it. It was him who got shot, not me. When his body went stiff, I tried to scream but I just couldn't. "Alex. Why isn't he moving?" It's Sophia's voice that I heard, I turn and look at her and just stare, "we have to get him to a hospital. Now." Zayn gets back in his car and I put Michael in the car. I can hear Sophia hysterically crying, Tara brings her to her car and they get in it. I sit in the passenger seat next to Zayn, and we speed to the Hospital. "Zayn, he can't die now. Not at a time like this, when both of his sisters are- oh my God. This can't happen to us." I say. "Alex. I...don't want to alarm you but, that bullet dug itself in Mike's left shoulder, and-" he croaks "-the heart is in that area. Alex I'm trying to say that-" again he chokes on his words "Mike could die." This is the first time I'd seen Zayn cry. It's heart-wrenchingly painful to watch. As we pull up to the hospital, Zayn picks Michael up and spirits as fast as he can with him in his arms. "Can someone help us? Please?" I yell. "What's his problem ma'm?" A male nurse asks me. "He was hugging me and a woman shot him, top left shoulder, near his heart. Please help us. I'm begging you." I tell him. "We'll do the best we can." And the male nurse takes him away. I start breathing heavily, "he's in surgery." I say to Zayn. My words break as I speak them. Then I just let myself cry. When I see Sophia and Tara walk in, they immediately know. "Is he gone?" Tara asks. "No, he's in surgery." I tell them. "Should I call Caitlin?" Sophia asks me. I nod and Sophia goes out to call her sister. "What are we gonna do Alex? What if Michael dies on that table?" Tara asks. "Tara, I promise you, he is not going to die. He's Mike he won't let himself die. Not for him but for you. He knows he has to be there for you ever since Ryan. So Tara do not get the image of Michael dying, he forbids it." She nodded and sat back down. "But if he does-" "I have his eulogy." I cut her off. "You wrote it? Already?" She asks. "I have it with me everywhere I go." The reason behind that, he wanted to know it was safe in my hands, he trusts me, knows that I'll be the only one who won't shed one tear while up there. He hates it when people cry because of him. "Can I hear it?" I nod.

"When I first heard the words 'all of the lights land on you' it was none other than my best friend Michael Melbourne. It was a song lyric by one of his favorite artists. Mike was a great friend to every single one of us. Now he's gone and with his parents, where he always wanted to be. When I was in Pre-school I met Mike, someone had thrown a block at my head and I'd started crying, Mike was the first one to come over to me and soothe me. When Mike was sixteen he'd lost his parents in a car accident, it ruined him really, he was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Though Tara, Caitlin, Sophia, and all our friends helped him get through it. I don't want to believe that he is gone, but he is happy now. That's all I wanted for him. Is to be happy."

"That was beautiful Alex." I turn around and see Liam Payne standing right there behind me. Liam, the one who hit Mike and Sophia. Liam Liam Liam. "How did you-" "Zayn. He called. I was coming into town to apologize to Mike but then I got the call. Is he dead?" His eyes were red. He was choking. He'd been crying. "He's in surgery." I tell him. "Alex. I really do love him. More than anything." He says. His voice is raspy and he looks up at me with such sad eyes it almost makes me want to cry. "Liam, if-when Michael wakes up, give him some time before you let him see that you're here. He's a little shaken." Zayn then comes into the waiting room with us. "Liam." He addressed him. "How is he?" I ask. "Out of surgery, but not conscious. He still has a chance at being with his parents." I look right at Zayn and just glare at him. "Sorry. Too soon. I'll go back up there and wait." He says while turning his body and walking away. Sophia walks back in with the phone in her hand and her arm outstretched to me. "She wants to talk to you." I take it and hear Caitlin yelling at Chester for something. "Hey Beckface." I say. "Alexandra, you find Alyssa, kidnap her, interrogate her, then kill her, in that order. Do it now." She tells me. "Caitlin I would if I could. But right now your brother still has to wake up. If he does I'll do that. If not, I'll do much worse." I tell her.

"If he wakes up soon, please let me know." "Of course. Now go have fun on your vacation." And before she could say anything else I hang up the phone. "Oh Alex, what a rude thing to say." That voice, I know that voice, it's Alyssa's voice. "What the hell are you doing here?" I yell. "I'm here to see Mike of course." I grab my purse and look for my phone to call 911. "You're going to walk out of here before I call the cops, if not you will be in handcuffs and you will be put on trial for attempted murder." I yell at her. I don't find my phone but I find my pepper spray. "You know I can get out of anything. You will not win. Not now. Not ever. Either Mike will be with me, or he will die. His call." I grip my pepper spray tightly. "You are mentally insane you know that? Right?" I uncap the pepper spray, hoping that what I'm about to do will work. "That's not very nice Alexandra." She says. Here we go. "Oh well." I grab Alyssa by her hair, yank it back hard, as hard as I could, I hold her by her hair and spray it right in her eyes. She screams loud and I punch her right in her face.she falls and smacks her head so hard on the tiles, she blacks out. I call the police and they pick her up and take her away. "Now that that's over nap time." I sit down in a seat and shut my eyes. I finally get to sleep. Now.

Michael stands there in despair. Liam gone, found another boy. That other boy was Zayn. Zayn tells Mike he doesn't love him. Mike is wearing all black. He is standing on a chair, a rope near his neck. He wears the necklace of rope now. He hangs from the ceiling. I scream but nothing comes out. I'm silenced. I'm dead. I'm gone.


I jerk awake with a shriek. I look around and everyone is still asleep. Liam is next to me with a light caramel colored jacket. His shirt is grey and he wears jeans. Then I see Zayn he's coming back to us. "How's he doing?" I ask. "The doctors want everyone with him in the room." Zayn says. He's been crying, I can see it in the redness in his eyes. I wake everyone up and we all walk upstairs together. When we get to the room his heart rate is normal. Everything is normal. He just needs to wake up now. "I'm going to Wendy's does anyone want to come with me?" Liam asks. "I'll come. I need some food. Does anyone want anything?" I ask. They all want chicken nuggets. Liam and I leave and go through the drive through. "I really need Mike to love me. He is the only one that does it for me."

"Liam. I'm going to tell you something that Mike would tell you. You have to earn him to have him." He nods. "I will. I so will." He says. "But Alex I need to tell you, I didn't post that video. I couldn't have. I didn't even have possession of it." He says. "Zayn said it was Alyssa. I didn't doubt you. I never have." I tell him. "Thank you. You're the best." He says. He drives back to the hospital somewhat slowly. When we walk back in we see a frantic Sophia standing in the waiting room. "He's awake." I take off in a full sprint after Sophia. After taking two flights of stairs and turning down three different corners I get to the room that my best friend is in. I almost drop the food when I see him. He looks right at me. With a raspy low whisper he says "am I dead?" "No. You're quite alive." I say while a tear rolls down my face. "Good to know." He replies. "Mike?" Liam's eager voice is the loudest. "Liam." He pushes through and they share a long kiss. "You really do love me." "I do Mike. I really do.


I loved this chapter a lot. It took a long time but I love it.

To all of you that has ever supported me with writing this thank you so much.

Thanks <3

Give Me Your Heart {Book One of the Blue Hearts Trilogy} (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now