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Hidden behind a bush was two cats. One was brown and tan, with a streak of white on its head. The other was pink... quite the odd color for a cat, but Tommy didn't care.

The brown cat had its leg tangled in wire and it looked in pain. The other was gently licking its leg in an attempt to free it.

Tommy hurried and untangled the wire, setting it free, but it was injured. It's leg had been badly cut by the wire and it needed treatment as soon as possible.

Tommy picked up the two cats and started walking home. Strangely, the cats seemed completely okay with it.

The pain in his feet was even worse now, and so was the pain in his sides. He didn't care tho. The only thing he was thinking of was ways to help this poor cat.

After a long and painful walk, he was finally at his apartment. He was about to unlock the door, but he stopped. He realized he had nothing to help the poor animal.

He decided to knock on Tubbo's door instead. After a few seconds, the small brunette opened the doors and his eyes lit up when he saw the two cats.

"Well who are these cuties?" He asked, reaching to pet one.

"I found them in an alley on my way home. This one's hurt and I need your help!" Tubbo slightly gasped and quickly rushed the boy and his two cats into the kitchen.

Tubbo opened his cabinet and pulled out some bandages. Tommy laid the injured cat on the table and helped it stay calm by petting it's head.

Carefully, the brunette disinfected the wound and wrapped the cats leg with the bandage. "What did he cut his leg on?" Tubbo asked, focused on the small animal in front of him.

"A wire was wrapped around his leg and it cut him." Tommy replied. "Was the wire dirty at all?" Tubbo asked, more concerned this time. "I don't think so. I took it off as soon as I saw it and didn't think to examine it."

Tubbo finished wrapping up the wound and looked back at his friend. "As long as the wire wasn't dirty, he'll be fine." The blonde sighed in relief and Ranboo walked into the room, holding the pink cat.

"Who's this little guy and why was he in my room?" He said petting it. Tommy walked up to his taller friend and took the animal from his hands.

"He's a stray I found on my way home." Ranboo looked confused. "What happened to your after school plans?" Tommy hesitated for a second and quickly came up with a lie.

"I canceled them so I could take care of the other cat. This one was injured when I found them." Tommy said putting the pink cat next to the other one.

"What are you gonna do with them?" Tubbo asked, hoping Tommy would give them one.

"I don't know... they're too cute to give up, but I don't think I can take care of them if I have school and work all day." Tommy gently brushed his hand over the pink ones fur and it began to purr softly.

"I think you should keep them. At least try it out and if you can't handle it, we'll take them!" Ranboo suggested. Tommy smiled and listened to the purrs coming from the cat in front of him.

"They seem to like you! Why don't you give them a chance?" Tubbo added. The blondes heart warmed at the idea of caring for those two. He just couldn't resist.

"Fine. I'll keep them!" Tubbo practically exploded with excitement after hearing that.

"Woohoo!! Let's celebrate with a movie night!!" The small man beamed. Tommy laughed, feeling something he hadn't felt in a loooong time.


Tubbo ran into the kitchen to get some popcorn and saw the plant Tommy gave him on the counter. He chuckled and realized it might need some water.

He picked it up and carried it over to the sink, but stopped when he felt something underneath it. He carefully removed the paper from underneath it and set the plant down so he could read it.

'𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞...' sbi & benchtrioWhere stories live. Discover now