Chapter 8

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"Mrs., we seek shelter from the cold," Nick said, pushing me behind him as though to hide me from the woman.

"And why would an ice Fae be in need of that?" The old woman asked, waving a gnarled hand at us.

"The human companion that I'm traveling with seems to have a preference for sleeping indoors." He chuckled, sounding colder than he did before.

"I see... A human. We haven't had one of those in the winter court for some time. Don't tell me that you've taken to the summer court's less than desirable pastimes." The woman said, her face painted with visible disgust looking me up and down with a strange glint in her eyes. The Fae realm is divided into four courts resembling the human world's four seasons. The summer court is the most likely to kidnap humans to make their bride. Though the most common, they're not the only court known to kidnap a bride or two. The winter court is by far the least likely, primarily due to their inhospitable lands, not that it stopped Mr. popsicle from kidnapping me.

"Nothing so weak as to be like this summer court. This one is just... Special to me." He said, the chill coming out more pronounced than before.

"I see, and what kind of payment will you give me for letting you stay the night, young prince." The woman asked. The words were directed to Nick, but she seemed to stare right into My soul. I wondered if she would ask for a lock of my hair or a thimble of my blood.

"My father has plenty to give you for the safe rest and reprieve from the cold," Nick said, chasing away some of the stories I told myself.

"your father, ehhh, and what of your little pet?" Barely controlled disappointment dripped off of her lips.

"What is hers is mine. I will offer no less than what I offer for my own lodging." The old woman seemed to pause at his words as if mulling it over. A grin formed on her face showing a row of shark teeth. If I could help myself, I would look away. Instead, I found myself staring at those sharp teeth knowing that something exists and seeing it are two different things.

"You have yourself a deal, young prince." at her words of agreement, the house seemed to grow from the size of a small one-bedroom apartment to a moderately sized home. The door slammed open, revealing a large living area with a fire that I could feel the heat of even outside. Reluctantly the chill seems to rip itself from my skin, leaving me seeking more warmth. I stared at the woman for a moment, wondering if the promise of a roof over my head was worth being in the same house as a Fae with shark teeth. If there was one thing about the Fae, no matter how mundane the difference between us was, there was always a reason.

I glanced at Nick. I couldn't tell you why. Maybe for reassurance, but who would seek comfort from the person who kidnaped them. Nick barely even dames me with a glance back before dragging me into the house, not even giving me the option to stay outside. Then again, it was my idea to find shelter. Nick set me down right next to the roaring fire. Settling down, I basked in the flame's heat, feeling the last of the chill leaving my bones.

"How long have you been an ice touch, dear?" The woman asked. I hadn't even realized that she had sat next to me. Her movements were silent, and her face was right next to mine, her shark teeth full display.

"Only a couple hours," I said, shuffling away from her.

"And you only just now started to feel the effects." She said.

"No, I've been immune to the cold the entire time."

"I don't mean that. That one is pretty instantaneous. I'm talking about the emotional manipulation." She chuckled.

"excuse me!" I asked.

"You think the ice touch was merely a way for the Fae to keep their little pets around?" She asked condescendingly.

"Oh no, Deary, winter has its own problems. The other courts only need to ensure that the human survives long enough to reproduce. On the other hand, there isn't much in the winter court. It's all ice and snow. There isn't even a mountain unless you go far enough north. Unlike most Fae, the winter court typically doesn't enjoy living in homes. Though I can't say I relate to that fact, I do quite love having a roof over my head." She said, patting my hand.

"No, dear, the winter court is more inhospitable than any of the other courts. Magic may keep you alive, but it won't make you comfortable. That's what the emotional aspect is for."

"Oh, quite simply, it makes you more compliant with your romantic partner." She said, sending a chill down my spine.

"And how does it do that?" I asked, feeling frozen at the moment as though I could bolt away at any second. Despite how my mind screamed at me to run, I couldn't move an inch.

"I'm not exactly sure. I know it works, but from my understanding, it removes negative feelings for your partner. The winter court, like any of the other courts, has a specific category of magic they uphold better than the rest. The winter court has always struggled with magic. The glamour is abysmal, much to the spring court's chagrin. Summer court has no need to lie to any of their pets. The winter court shows it as it is. No lies, no glamour, nothing. The land is hard. The people aren't much better, but at least it's an honest court. Or as honest as the Fae can get." She cackled. I snorted at that. Considering any of the Fae honest was a stretch. Sure they couldn't lie to a person, but the fact that they couldn't outright lie just meant they had to be more creative with their deception. They would often twist the words just enough that they could claim. They didn't lie, making the whole process of pulling information from the Fae a pain in the ass.

"Because Iceical brain over there put the equivalent of a wedding ring on my finger, my brain's emotional system turned into the equivalent of chunky soup," I said, knowing I should be angry but not feeling even an ounce of it. No instead, my eyes felt as though there were lead bars taped to them. A yawn fought its way out of my mouth.

"Pretty much, don't you worry, dear, have something that will fix that right up." She whispered, my eyes starting to droop.

'It must be more tired than I thought I was.' The old woman handed me a mug. I took a few sips of it before passing out in front of the warm fire

she fell asleep. Her sweet face was calm and clear of any anger. Her ability to trust showed no bound. Vicky had taken the mug from the hag's greedy hands. She drank what was obviously a sleeping potion mixed in with the tea. as upset as it made me that she was given a sleeping potion. No harm was done. It wasn't poison or anything like that. Besides, I was awake all night watching over her. She was beautiful, the light hitting the honey blonde hair draped over her shoulders. Long slender limbs. But most importantly, the kindness that she has in her heart, and all of it was my mine mine mine. I could shout it from the rooftops, but something told me my dear Vicky wouldn't like that very much. No, instead, I settled for being a pillow and ensuring her comfort. I glared at the hag in the kitchen. Her powers for hospitality were just as strong as her blood lust. Sleep wasn't an option, not tonight, at least.

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