The Pet

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The day had started off normal enough for thirteen-year-old Izuku Midoriya. He got up, ate hisbreakfast, got ready for school, went to school, got blasted/bullied by Bakugo, and began his walkhome with blood dripping from his newest wound.

 Suddenly, as he passed by an alley, he noticed a girl his age curled up into a ball and whimpering.

She had blonde hair pulled up into two buns on her head, and she wore a stained yellow schooloutfit with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms crossed over her face.

"Hey, are you ok?" Izuku asked, kneeling down in front of the girl.

 "Go away, I don't want to hurt you." The girl sobbed before looking up at him, her yellow cat-likeeyes training on his before fixating on his blood that covered the right side of his face, runningfrom his temple down to his jaw, causing the poor blood dependent girl to gulp loudly. 

"I can't just leave you like this! What's wrong? Maybe I can help you." Izuku said as another dropslowly made its way down his face in a tantalizingly slow way.

 "M-my quirk makes me need to consume blood or I go crazy and violent until I get some. My p-parents threw me out, saying I was a m-monster, but I don't want to hurt people. It's not fair!" Theyoung lady sobbed, burying her face in her arms again, waiting for his inevitable rejection.

"If you need blood, I suppose you can have some of mine." Izuku said sheepishly, rubbing the backof his head. He wanted to help the girl, and if it just meant that he'd lose a little blood that was asmall price to pay.

 "R-really? You don't think I'm a m-monster?" The girl asked hopefully, lifting her head andrevealing her 'fangs'.

"Of course not! And do you have fangs? Is that part of your quirk to let you draw blood easier?"Izuku asked rapidly, his status of a quirk nerd revealing itself.

"Um, yeah, it's pretty useful to get blood, but you're the first person to offer me blood without mehaving to take it forcefully." The girl said, looking down in shame. She had never meant to hurtanyone, but she couldn't help it when she got too blood starved.

 "Well, I'm Izuku Midoriya, and I want to help you." Izuku said with a bright smile. 

"Himiko Toga. Thank you so much." The now identified Toga said, tears coming to her eyes at thekindness of this random stranger.

Izuku simply responded by loosening his tie and unbuttoning his dress shirt, tilting his head toexpose his neck. "Take as much as you need, but I'd prefer if you didn't take so much that I passout." He said, blushing slightly.

Toga looked at the boy with hearts in her yellow eyes. She had deduced that she loved the boyright then and there and wanted to stay with him forever. She began with a long, slow lick up theside of his face and catching his sweet blood on her tongue. Toga then wrapped her arms aroundhis shoulders and latched onto the side of his neck.

 Izuku let out a grunt of surprise as he felt the girl's fangs sinking into his neck as she greedilylapped up the warm liquid that she needed so desperately, before he reached up and petted herhead, eliciting a moan and a purr from the girl.

Toga pulled off him enough to whisper in his ear, blood still trickling out of his neck.

 "C-Can you tell me I'm a good girl as I drink? Please?" Toga asked, her face hot as she made herrequest.

"S-sure." Izuku stuttered, blushing as she began drinking his blood once again. He reached back upand petted her head again. "Such a good girl. Keep drinking, good girl."

 Toga simply hummed in contention as she continued to lap up the sweet liquid, loving how hestroked her hair and assured her that she was a good girl, that she had his permission to do this.

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