Chapter 2

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Sabrinas pov

The party was going great except I haven't seen Lori yet wait Sabrina stop it stop thinking about her it isn't normal. You know what can distract me guys yep guys are good. I walk up to my friends who are talking to some guys "Hey guys who's this" my friends introduce me I couldn't really focus because I saw Lori come in with a shot dress showing off well everything. Stop Sabrina just stop. I try to make conversation with one of the guys there but it was hard not only with Lori but this guy was staring at me I think his name was dan or lan oh wait it's Sam yeah I remember now.  I look at him and he asks if I want a drink I said yes.

We were pretty drunk at some point and Sam was starting to get rally touchy and it was not my favorite thing I was going to say something about it but then I saw Lori making out with some other dude. So in my mad jealous drunken state I got up and kissed Sam and a kiss turned into a lot more. The rest of the night was blurry but all I know is when I woke up I was on a bed with zero clothes on and some dude next to me what was his name again I'll remember later when my headaches gone. I grabbed my costume and left it was a good thing it was a Saturday or I would have been so late for class. By the time Was able to sneak back to my room all my friends were their sleeping, throwing up, or crying about there headache. I was to tired to deal with any of it so I just changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

A month later

 It was a. month after the "incident" as I call it I Haven't talked to Dan no Sam since. But everything was normal school was boring Daphne was perfect, Tony was being a genius, and I was me. Then something started happening I started to get a bit bigger which was weird I'm usually really healthy I run and exercise everyday. At first I thought it was just you know my period coming up and I was getting a little bloated. And then it hit me when did I even have my last period. I check my mini calendar were I keep all the important dates and it said my last period wasn't until last month.

Originally I thought there was something wrong with me like I was dying or something so I was trying to even out my options. Well I could go to the nurse and she might know orrrr I could ask my friends just incase it's something awkward that I don't want to tell a teacher. Hmm welp friends it is. So the next day when we were all up and talking I tell them " Hey is it weird that I haven't had my period in a month" my friends all look at me surprised and then one of the girls Nikki says " Well is there a chance you've done it with someone". I go into full panic mode and say " YOU THINK THAT I'M PREGNANT ME SABRINA DIANE STARK ARE YOU CRAZY" my other friend Lauren says " Well did you use protection. The rest of the night was full of questions people screaming and by people I mean me so we all agreed we were going to figure out begetting a pregnancy test.

                                                                 Chord Overstreet as Sam Mathews

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                                                                 Chord Overstreet as Sam Mathews


Hey hope you enjoyed so yeah things are getting heavy if you understand my glee trash pls comment who your favorite character is have a good day/night bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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