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SooOoo I'll make some of my own headcannons and if you want me to do headcannons on a specific subject I'll make another page on it! UWU TO  THE HEADCANNONS!!!


-Loves when you help him with expirements that he's doing.

- Thinks it's funny when you want to help him with expirements you don't know how to do.

-Get's a bit embarrssed when you give him complaments not because he's not used to it but because he feels he dosen't deserve it from you.

-He never says it but he really dose enjoy  being around you!


- Gives you bear hugs any chance he gets.

-Likes to try and make paper crowns for you so you can be the king and queen of the Rainbow Friends facilitys.

-Enjoys holding your hand.

-Gives you piggy back rides around the Rainbow Friends facilitys.


- Snuggles with you when your asleep because it makes him feel safe.

- Wants you to pet him ALL the time.

- Likes when you guide him around and when you do he calls you his little guide dog.

- When your angry he just hugs you and gives you a little lick on the cheek which, you do find a bit weird but you really don't mind.


- Snuggles into you chest when you two go to bed.

- When you're sad he licks your you all over your face.

- Only let's you touch his tail beacuse it's sensitive and he knows that you're really gentle with him.

- Makes you rub his belly.


- Let's you and only you walk on the puddles .

- Only get's out of the vents to give you hugs and comfort you when your sad even if he's not that good with feelings.

- Only drags you into the vents were it's dry even if you don't mind getting wet he just wants you to be comfartable.

- Thinks you look cute in anything.


Thx for making it here hope you liked those headcannons! Remember to follow me!

315 words!

Rainbow Friends X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now