bang chan was nervous after receiving the reply from m/n. was there something he had set up with his manager? why did he have to keep an eye out? chan simply sighed to himself, another encrypted message from his old friend from his trainee days.
it wasn't that they weren't close, just after debuting he hardly spent much time getting to know the other trainees at jyp. he would occasionally text m/n to check in on him, but as time went by they grew slightly distant. not on bad terms, but simply... co-existing. both working at jyp and slowly going from friends to acquaintances.
chan checked his usb and storage, ensuring he'd saved all of his files before re-saving again. dawn was slowly approaching, and while the other members of stray kids were back at the dorm likely sleeping or waking up soon as they had informed him earlier about, chan was still at the company wrapping things up in terms of the tracks they'd recently started working on. it was almost time for him to go to bed.
by the time he'd reached the dorms, he could feel exhaustion overcoming him once he'd lied down. inhaling a deep breath, he gave a last glance to the ceiling attempting to think about what m/n could have possibly meant before submitting himself to sleep.
after chan's alarm had gone off indicating to him that it was after 3 pm in the afternoon, he began to get ready to head to the gym only to realize a message was sent by his manager asking to meet up with him in one of the meeting rooms as the company had something they'd wanted to ask him since their promotions for their recent album were coming to an end.
reassuring their manager that he would be there soon, he double checked that he had brought everything that he needed before heading back off to the company ready to tackle whatever was required of him next.
after chan had tucked his stuff back in his room he used as his recording room and for streaming on vlive, he headed to the meeting room. as he finally reached the door, he breathed in deeply before opening the door to meet his manager, mr. jeong, sitting at the table, a contract in front of him and m/n as well as someone else sitting beside him.
"hello," chan immediately greeted everyone and they quickly followed suit. as chan met m/n's eyes, he couldn't help but notice the slight tug on his lips as a slight smile began to form.
"bang chan, i'm sure you know m/n from training with him in the past?" which chan immediately nodded and let out a simple "yes" unsure of where everything was heading.
the man sitting beside m/n gave him a glance and asked him if he would like to ask him instead which m/n immediately nodded.
"i believe i informed you earlier, but i'm debuting soon and i was wondering if you would be interested in being featured in the music video." chan tilted his head, and as if to clear up the confusion, m/n continued. "i know it's an odd request, but the mysterious song you helped to arrange and produce is for my title track, and i was really hoping that aside from the obvious payment that would come for helping me to produce the song, you would want to star in the music video as one of the main casts?"
chan raised a brow, surprised by the sudden request. usually asking an already debuted idol to star as a person within the song was a slight bit of a rare thing. using trainees to star was the way jyp usually went about their music videos, however since chan did help to produce it, it would make sense to ask him and offer such a deal.
chan gave a glance to mr. jeong who gave him a reassuring smile encouraging him that whatever his decision was his own. turning back to m/n, chan shrugged his shoulders and nodded. "sure, that sounds great," chan returned m/n's smile with his own.
as the meeting was concluded going over the work paper and deciding on when chan would be free to schedule his filming times since he was part of the main cast. along with it, they also discussed if chan wanted to go ahead and talk with m/n more about adding a part for him in terms of lines, which chan said they could discuss could discuss more in private.
"bang chan," m/n called out as their managers had left and the two were left alone to go ahead with continuing on their schedules. "when are you free?"
chan tilted his head, "in terms of the lines?" which received a nod from m/n. "i'm a bit busy for today, since i do have to head to the gym now and then meet with changbin and han. but i can message you when i'm free next?"
"yeah, that sounds good!" m/n agreed before thanking him for his time as chan left first. packing up, m/n gathered his bag and his phone which he'd taken out earlier to check his schedule. after he double checked that he'd had everything, he'd quickly left the room with a grin gracing his face as he thought more about how things were coming together for his debut. excitement practically flowed through his entire body as he mentally prepared himself for the next few upcoming days.
not beta read, but hey, 3 chapters in a single night! case 143 has possessed me to write instead of focusing on my midterms :')

CAN I BE YOUR BOYFRIEND? | b.chan + m.reader
أدب الهواة"rolling in the deep inside my head, you got me bad." bang chan + m! reader mostly 5-minute written chapters about m/n who has been crushing on chan for a while, finally deciding to pick up the courage to confess to him by asking him to join the cas...