gaMe on Motherfuckers!

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Teenagers. They have a destructive quality about them, that no matter what a frightened mother or father does, they can never stop them from raining. Those parents, on the other hand, never stop to consider today's modern world and the terrors that lurk behind schools, teenage social life, teenagers becoming their true self and just trying to survive in your teenage years in general.

This isn't your typical story; it's about how a dark secret in BerkVille can be solved through poisoned adolescent years. My name is Tony Jn. Baptiste, and my friends and I have been twisted into knots that we will never be able to untangle. But it didn't start at school; it began at the place where we all felt we could hide from our problems: home.

BerkVille is a rural community with a mix of residents of all classes on an island, Saint Lucia, situated in the Caribbean. There were homes with sloping roofs with many wooden or wall houses covered with colorful paint gleaming at you as you walk by. People of many races reside there although it has a predominantly black population.

9:10 a.m
The regular scenery of school was a harsh greeting. It was there that students who had just arrived gathered in their groups. Some of them were putting on their masquerade masks and pretending that their lives were fantastic. You see, nowadays you can't put your faith in anyone with secrets from your home or problems at school. If you don't brush it off and go on, you'll find yourself in a lot of trouble. Look about, this ten-second interval seemed to move in slow motion. The school wasn't in the finest of shape, a sight to behold. Classes were corrupted with loud students, some up to no good.

My group of friends were severely looked down upon. My best friend, Dustin Cooper, and I are taunted with opinions from our classmates thinking that we are homosexuals. That spread like a forest fire destroying our reputation and although both of us acted like it didn't phase us, deep down inside, we were ready to pounce at everyone that bullied us and anyone who stood in our way. You see, Dustin and I are like identical twins except, we don't look alike. Apart from that we mostly think and act the same and our body structures followed suit.

Both of us are slender and tall with short lustrous and thick black hair with humor-filled personalities. We both mostly have the same opinions about the world and its inhabitants. And when we did disagree we would make it our mission to prove that each other was wrong. We didn't only compete in that way but academically too. Both our fathers aren't around and living abroad which connected us more. I'm dark but Dustin has a rich color of coffee with a generous amount of milk and both our immaculate colors branded with our sterling brown eyes. Handsome? Is that even the appropriate term to use for myself?

My other three friends were made up of one boy, Carson Gustine, and two girls, Mandy Siggarerrah and Kendra Rainyman, who we usually called Beth. And although I used the term "friends" we never found our way to truly trusting each other because of today's world. But will we?

You'd notice that the only one of us who truly seemed happy was Beth. Her life was put together and although her father and mother were divorced and he only had custody of her on the weekends, she didn't mind. She wore short brown hair that dazzled with her brown eyes and rosy lips. A fully figured Indian young lady.

    Mandy was a bit different. She was truncated and slim with the youngest face and a thick afro hair cut. She was a girl known for fashionable jewelry that put her Y2K outfits together.

Last is Carson. A lad who always has a smile nailed to his face and a bit of a chunky body. He's almost to Beth's skin tone and just like she and Mandy, he is short with sparse afro latino roots. Carson has an overfilled cup of knowledge and is in practically every extracurricular activity at the school being the overachiever that he is. Positive and cheerful with a heart of plush pillows.

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