The Gathering || Divider

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It Was The Night Of The Gathering, First Clan To Get To FiveTrees was HemlockClan, Lead By BronzeStar, Then Came RosaryClan, Lead By FrostedStar, Then OleanderClan, Lead By BasilStar, Then LarkspurClan, Lead By AlmondStar, Then Finally BaneClan, Lead By JackalStar.

All Of Them Greeted Each Other With No Fight As The Leaders Began To Decide Who Tells News Of The Clan, Until They Decided, In The Crowd, Five Apprentices Chatted About Their Lives, One From Each Clan, The First One To Greet The Other Cats In The Group Was A Tom " I'm EaglePaw, From Oleander ' Clan ", Then A She-Cat " I'm SkipperPaw Of LarkspurClan! ", Then Another She-Cat " I'm AzurePaw Of RosaryClan, Glad To Meet You All! ", Then Another Another She-Cat "I'm ThrushPaw Of HemlockClan, I Hope To Be Friends ", Then A Tom " I'm BlizzardPaw Of BaneClan ", Then BlizzardPaw Turned His Head To The Leaders " We Should Pay Attention To The Leaders Now, The Gathering Is Gonna Start ". They All Nod In Agreement And Watch Closely To The Leaders.

AlmondStar Spoke Up " LarkspurClan Has Been Thriving Well, Our Apothecarists Have Decided On PricklePaw As Their Apprentice, GoldenFlare Has Moved To The Nursery Expecting My Deputy And Sibling, AquaBlaze's Kittens, And Prey Is Running Well ", The Clans All Chanted Out The Cat's Names " PricklePaw! AquaBlaze! GoldenFlare! PricklePaw! AquaBlaze! GoldenFlare! ".

Then It's BronzeStar's Turn " HemlockClan Is Better Than Ever, We Have Two New Warriors With Us, EagleFern And SnowBreeze, RobinSong Has Given Birth To ThornFlame's Four Healthy Kittens, MapleSong Is Expecting TwistedFall's First Litter, And Prey Is Doing Well ", The Clans All Shouted In Excitement " EagleFern! SnowBreeze! RobinSong! ThornFlame! MapleSong! TwistedFall! EagleFern! SnowBreeze! RobinSong! ThornFlame! MapleSong! TwistedFall! ".

Then FrostedStar Mewed Out " RosaryClan Is Going Strong, But Sadly Our Old Deputy, Loyal Mate Of QuailFoot And Father Of VioletPaw And OlivePaw, FireSpin Has Passed On To SilverPelt Of A Rouge Ambush, And I've Chosen HemlockHeart As My New Deputy, Our Farmers Decided On Having EmberPaw As Their Apprentice, And Prey Is Going Well ", The Clans Yowled Out To The Stars " FireSpin! HemlockHeart! EmberPaw! FireSpin! HemlockHeart! EmberPaw! ".

Then JackalStar Spoke " Everything Is Going Well In BaneClan, Two Cats Of My Clan Are Now Mates, BirdSpring And RowanFlash, And I Grant Them Well Wishes, We Have Three New Apprentices, BlizzardPaw, ScarletPaw And VelvetPaw, Their Mother ShimmerSpeck Has Moved To The Elder's Den, WaterSplash Has Given Birth To TroutHeart's Two Healthy Kittens, And Prey Is Going Well " Yet Again The Clans Cheered, But The Group Cheered Louder For BlizzardPaw And His Siblings " BirdSpring! RowanFlash! BlizzardPaw! ScarletPaw! VelvetPaw! ShimmerSpeck! WaterSplash! TroutHeart! BirdSpring! RowanFlash! BlizzardPaw! ScarletPaw! VelvetPaw! ShimmerSpeck! WaterSplash! TroutHeart! ".

Then Finally, BasilStar's Turn " Everything Is Going Great In OleanderClan, We Have Two New Apprentices, CottonPaw And ClovePaw, I Have Given Birth To SedgeFlight's Four Healthy Kittens, NectarBloom Is Expecting OceanFlame's Kittens, And Prey Is Going Smoothly " Yet Again The Large Clowder Yowled Out " CottonPaw! ClovePaw! BasilStar! SedgeFlight! NectarBloom! OceanFlame! CottonPaw! ClovePaw! BasilStar! SedgeFlight! NectarBloom! OceanFlame! ".

Then BronzeStar Mewed " That Clears Up This Moon's Gathering, HemlockClan Head To Camp! " Then The Group Waved Their Goodbyes To ThrushPaw, Then FrostedStar Yowled " RosaryClan To Camp! " Then They Say Goodbye To AzurePaw, " LarkspurClan To The Camp! " AlmondStar Called Out, And So SkipperPaw Left, But Not Without Hugging Them All Goodbye, Then JackalStar Shouted " BaneClan To Camp! " Then BlizzardPaw Left, And So There Was EaglePaw, Then He Got Approached By BasilStar Who Talked To Him " Ready To Go? ", EaglePaw Replied " Yea, Just Said Good Bye To My Friends ", BasilStar Mewed Out " OleanderClan To Camp! Very Good, EaglePaw, And Who Knows ... "

" ... Maybe You'll See Them Again "

Thank You For The Allegiance TheMapleQueen101

-Your Friend, Hibiscus :)

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