Part 1- Chris

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5 Days Before The Party...
He locked me in again. The bedroom door was shut tightly. The tears slipped down much quicker than usual. I don't like being alone. I glanced at my Fredbear plush, it's creepy silver eyes looking at me. I sometimes wonder if it's alive. The way it looks and watches me is scaring the living hell out of me. But I still love it. Because it was my friend. I took a look at the other plushies sitting in a pile on my bed, and I smiled. My friends, they were forever with me. 

4 Days Before The Party...
He didn't lock the door. I turned the doorknob, and the door opened easily. I was confused, he'd usually do that. Why didn't he? I had a bad feeling about that. Holding the Fredbear plush tightly in my hands, I exited my bedroom. The grandfather clock struck with 12 chimes. Ugh it was ominous. I turned to the right and peeked into the pink bedroom. She wasn't there, probably out with father. A figurine of what looked like a broken Foxy lay on the ground in pieces. Looks like she broke it again. I turned away and headed for the living room. Just as I walked past the old TV, a shadow leaped out behind and startled me. I lost balance and collapsed on the ground, crying once again. He loomed over me, his Foxy mask so close to my face it made me cry harder. As he walked away, he said the one word that made me anything but better. "Crybaby."

3 Days Before The Party...
I was back at the restaurant, and I hated it there. He left me there, practically ditched me. He knew that I didn't like that place, yet he still did it. I started running to my left, but I stopped. "No! Don't you remember what you saw?" I mumbled to myself. Suddenly, a man wearing a Fredbear suit appeared, blocking the exit on my right. There went the tears again. "Find someone who will help! You know what will happen if he catches you!" screamed my inner voice. I sucked it up and ran towards the left again. The silhouettes of Spring Bonnie and Fredbear towered over me, and I tensed up and fell over. The man caught up with me, and all I could do was cry on the floor.

2 Days Before The Party...
He brought me back to the restaurant again, and he ditched me again. But luckily, I managed to slip out before I was caught again. I started walking back home, talking to some of the kids on the streets. They understood me, respected me for who I was. I treated them like a second family. Somehow, I felt like I was watched behind my back, but perhaps I was just too anxious. I headed up to the front door of my house and opened it. No, he didn't scare me. He wasn't there. Not camping behind the TV again. I headed for my bedroom, and as soon as I opened the door, he popped out from under my bed and I screamed, tumbling to the ground and the familiar cycle of me crying started. Then came the familiar phrase. "Crybaby." I swear that one day I will murder him. One day.

1 Day Before The Party...
Crap. This time he got me good. He ONCE AGAIN brought me to the restaurant, but this time he locked me in the spare parts/maintenance room. The endoskeletons scared me really badly, and the empty Fredbear suit was not helping the situation. I crumpled to the ground and began sobbing, begging to be released.

0 Days Before The Party...
 The day finally came, but he wasn't going to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I felt helpless, as he and his friends- all wearing weird masks- surrounded me and teased me. "Hey," he said. "I think Fredbear wants a kiss from this crybaby." The rest roared with laughter, and he plucked me off the ground, heading straight for Fredbear. I squirmed in his grip, and his friends kept laughing. Fredbear's mouth was open, and he shoved my head inside. I panicked and began crying. "PLEASE MICHAEL I'M SCARED-" I couldn't say anything else. Fredbear's mouth slammed shut, crushing my head and sending me to oblivion.

After The Bite...
I was so scared, afraid as the darkness receded away. I was sitting under a spotlight with the Fredbear plush sitting in front of me. My other plushies sat not too far away from us. "I'm sorry..." rang the phrase around us. Maybe it was coming from Fredbear, or maybe I was hallucinating. One by one, the rest of the plushies faded away into the black, until only me and Fredbear was left. "You're broken...I'm still here," it came again. Broken? How? "I will put you back together." Fredbear then faded away, and the last thing I heard was the sound of a heart monitor flatlining.

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