#! she's my friend. I guess.

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Blink Blink.

Adjusting eyes..


Your eyes opened up more, shocked at the problem you're in right now. Laying on Cyno's chest, on his bed. Sleeping together, on his bed. He's still asleep and you're not.

You don't know the time, it's still raining AND YOU CAN'T MOVE. Flustered is the only word that can describe you right now, you want to move but at the same time don't want to.

Sighing at your situation, you decided to wait it out.




Nevermind you got bored easily.

"What if I try to get my phone.."
You thought to yourself, trying to find it in the darkness but noticed it's nowhere near you.

Okay. Now you have no option than to just get up.

And you did just that and then stared at his face.

He looked peaceful, you thought until he opened his eyes staring right back at you scaring the life out of you.

"Oh you're up."
He said as he sat up. He got off his bed and went to turn off his computer.

You on the other hand with wide eyes and holding your chest, just followed his every move, not knowing what to do.

"What's the time?"
Cyno asked. You rushed for your phone to see that it was 4am.

"Uhhgh.. It's 4."


He motioned you to go further onto the bed and he came on also.

"Go back to sleep, it's too early."
Was the last thing he said as his head hit the pillow.

You did what he said but took you longer to fall back asleep.


The disgusting sounds of an alarm scared both of yall awake. WHY THE HELL DOES HE HAVE AN ALARM FOR THE WEEKEND.

He got up like normal and turn it off then came off the bed, I followed behind, grumpy that I woke up at 6am on a Saturday.

"We have to make breakfast."

"Oo what are we going to make?"

He looked in his fridge and got out some eggs.

"I guess we fry eggs."

I nodded and we both got to work.

Kind of.
Who says I'm good in the kitchen?

You cracked the eggs in a bowl and got a bit of egg shells in it and then needed help getting them out. THEN you for some reason had problems whisking it.

"You don't know how to whisk eggs with a fork?"

"I DO KNOW. Just your fork don't like me."
He raised his eyebrows at you and then did the whisking while you got the pan on the stove.


A while later here you both are, silently eating while no one says a word. You did though.

"So like."
You started, making the boy look up at you.

"Did you enjoy the movie?"
You said with a smile on your face, trying your best not to run out of the room from the awkwardness.

He nodded his head and then both said nothing. Both went on their phone and then you got a notification from..

UNKNOWN NUMBER. | cyno.Where stories live. Discover now