chapter uno

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(Azumi's p.o.v)
Me and nee-chan were looking for food when we saw things shooting everywhere. We decided to check out what it was. And on our way to found out what it was we had found a shard of a jewel. "Nee-chan what's this?"I asked confused as i picked it up."I have no idea."Kazumi-nee said."But nee-chan i can feel about 3 more of these things about 2 miles away."I said putting it in my kimono.Kazumi nodded and we ran to the second to find it lodged in a tree branch. Kazumi jumped and grabbed it and threw it to me. We found the other inside a boar demon and my sister quickly killed it by using her poision whip."Ok lets go back to the cave Azumi."Kazumi-nee said as I nodded. "Do you want me to sing you a song nee-chan?"I asked as she smiled."Go ahead."Kazumi said. I began singing as we walked and at the end of the song me and Kazumi-nee had bumped into two people. One was a half demon and the other was a girl who had strange clothing."Inuyasha she has four shikon jewels."the girl said."Where are they?"the inuyasha guy asked."In her kimono sleeve."the girl said pointing.The half demon ran at me with his fang sword and swung it at me shouting" WIND SCAR!" I dodged it and kicked him in the face shouting "PERVERT !" Kazumi got a irk mark and ran to the Inuyasha guy and punched him in the gut shouting"DON'T TOUCH HER YOU HALF DEMON!"the Inuyasha guy flew bzckwards and landed next to the girl. "Why do you have shards of the shikon jewel.?!"The Inuysha guy asked/shouted." What is the Shikon jewel?"me and nee-chan asked at the same time confused."You guys are full fox demons right?"The guy asked."Yeah so what of it?"Kazumi-nee said."Shouldn't you know about the Shikon jewel then."he asked."No when did this happen?"Nee-chan asked."About 50 years ago."he said." Sorry but we were at war with the demon lord of the southeast Ichimatsu the dragon demon." Kazumi said."So you werent there. Well what you have is part of the Shikon jewel and whole it can cast you your wish." He said."So you want it to become a full fledged dog demon. Am i correct."I said. He nodded."Ok then that settles it I'll give you these shards but in exchange for you letting us join you. I am Kazumi Miukami and this is my twin sister Azumi Miukami. We both are the Miukami fox demon twins. What is your name half demon."Kazumi asked."I'm Inuyasha. Im a dog demon.Well half of it anyway."he said. " And you strange girl whats your name?"I asked."Im Kagome. Im from Tokyo Japan.I came from the well." Kagome said. "From the well near Inuyasha forest."I asked.She nodded."So your from like from the future or something."Kazumi asked."Yes i should get going by now.Inuyasha go get Sango, Miroku, and Shippo"Kagome said. A few minutes later a girl with a cat demon came back along a young fox demon boy and a monk."Nee-chan they have a fox demon like us can we keep him!?"I asked as I ran and grabbed him."Sure. Its getting late let's head to our cave."Kazumi said. When we got to our cave we made other rooms in the cave and made a fire." I'll get some fish."Kazumi said leaving.An hour had passed and my sister still hadnt come.I started to panick i couldnt lose her like i did our parents i left the cave and went to search for her.When i finally found her she was injuryed badly."Nee-chan are you ok."I asked concerned as i started to help her up."What happened."I asked."I was fishing and i heard a little girl scream. I went to check it out and found her being attacked by wovles.i got in the way and protected her but i came to late."Kazumi said revealing the dead girl. "H-h-help m-m-mee"the girl said weakly.I sensed a demon lord coming near by and told my sister that we had to go.She nodded and the winced in pain. I saw a green light emitting from Nee-chan's wrist.I looked at her wrist and saw a name."Sesshomaru?"I said."Its Lord Sesshomaru to you."i heard a voice. Then a saw a weird demon."Hush Jaken."a deep voice said.I turned and saw a dog demon."Are you by any chance Sesshomaru?"I asked as my sister winced again."Yes."He said."Um sorry to be bold my lord but your my sisters mate and id appreciate if you'd subsided her pain."I said. After arguing a bit i finally got him to subside her pain and i found out that he had revived the little girl named Rin. "When shes in pain again we'll find you Lord Sesshomaru."I said as i carried my sister and the basket of fish.When we came back to the cave they had food already."What took you so long."Inuyasha shouted."Sorry my sister was hurt by a pack of wovles protecting a human girl. And she found her mate. Lord Sesshomaru."I said and saw Inuyasha's face turn to anger."Sesshomaru is her mate."He said."Yes and i understand that hes your brother but you already had your mate ok.Now everyone lets go to sleep or ill sing a song to make you dream of monsters."I said as everyone nodded and went to their respected room that me and Nee-chan made for them. I put her in her bed and went to my room i hummed the melody my mother just to sing to me as a child along with my sister and fell asleep dreaming of my parents.

Did you like my first chapter. I hope you did. Please comment below if you'd like. (~°^°)~

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