For You | chapter 28

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long chapter for my pookies🫶🏾❤️

melodys pov
a year and a half ago

"melody its nothing i can do about it." my brother put his hands on his head in a frustrated manner. "so we cant just keep staying here anymore" i asked as my voice cracked.

he didnt answer but silenty shook his head knowing that the words would break him. "i cant do it though" he said sitting down on the couch placing his elbows on his knees.

my mama dying is really putting a toll on him, and since we haven't seen our dad and have no other relatives they wanna take us away.

"what you mean" i looked at him weirdly as my vision started blurring. "they not putting me in the system mel mel i cant do it" he looked down at the ground.

" look mel mel im about to turn eighteen  and your about to be fifteen and i just-" he said "did you try to contact dad" i asked cutting him off. i cant be split up from my brother i just cant.

he slowly shifted his eyes to me before saying no. "why not maybe he can help" i asked. "melody im not calling him, you can. shit i dont care but thats not a option for me im not doing it" he said.

"fine since you wanna be a stubborn BITCH e, ill call him, dumb bitch you ever think 'oh melody is younger she'll be in foster care longer than i have to be' fucking idiot" i mumbled giving him a dirty look.

i loved my brother so much that words cant explain but i feel like hes not thinking about me right now in the situation. i know hes in a low place right now since our mom passed but so am i and she was my mom too.

i really wanna shoot him right now. he just looked at me with guilt in his eyes. "bubba im sorry im just panicking right now" i said. i was just crying a few seconds ago but now im mad as hell.

my emotions is all over the place and i cant take it. i got my phone and i scrolled through my contacts before clicking on the contact named 'sperm donar'.

he picked up on the last ring. "yo" he answered. "dad?" i said confused by the way he answered the phone. i removed it from my ear checking the contact named and placed it back.

"hellooo i said who the fuck is this" he repeated. "melody.." i said not knowing how to react to the way he was speaking. "oh this that girl i fucked last week" he questioned.

"umm no its your-" i started, elijah took the phone "your kids dickhead" he said putting it on speaker. e scoffed before shaking his head, "this why i aint wanna call him".

"man im so confused who the fuck is yall" he said on the other end. "look man ion got time for this bullshit, melody in a situation and she needa stay with you til i turn 18" e said.

i can see the steam rolling off of him. "elijah? thats you?" my dad said on the other end. "look man ion got no space for her. why she cant stay with yall dumb ass mama?" he asked.


"you know what, fuck it" i said grabbing the phone "i hope you die slow and you better hope i never catch you cause imma blow ya brains out" i said hanging up before he could reply.

"ill go, but if you dont please promise youll stay in touch until you can get me out" i looked at him with glossy eyes. he nodded "i promise mel mel" he pulled me into i hug.

i sat in foster care for 7 months and five days, and when elijah turned 18 and did the paper work, he got me out.

Present day

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