Part 40- the wedding!

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A/n- a request before starting!
please do listen to 'until i found you' by Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold while reading this chapter! it will add up an amazing effect i promise!
so lettsss go!

The day had come. The day both Jungkook and Taehyung had wished for and they loved everything about this day.

They're going to marry each other, in presence of their loved ones, were having a wedding just as they hoped for, saying the vows which they cried while writing themselves, hog up all the good food and last but not least, an amazing first timer fuck, together at night and that too full of love and happiness. Nothing could go wrong, right? Yes, not today.

It was an amazing wedding, the decorations, the arrangements, it all screamed rich but everything lighted up and glowed just as both the groom's glowed because of the love they had for eachother.

It was quite dreamy, the white roses, the golden lightings with beautiful chandeliers, the buffet with a huge variety of cuisines, a stage set up for them and most importantly the people! My god the way they were dressed!!! There weren't many as the kim's and the jeon's wanted it to be private but the ones who came look as if they were greek gods and nothing less than that!

It was time, and jungkook was hella nervous! Who could have thought that a person can actually fall in love with the other in an arranged marriage! Jeon jungkook was so in love that he had not only forgotten how to breathe when taehyung had entered and started walking down the aisle but he also forgot to bring the write up of his vows he had to speak but atleast he remembers some part of it! Classic Jeon!

Taehyung, clad in an oh so beautiful black suit bordered with silver lining, wearing the most beautiful earing and having the most gorgeous hair one could ever have, was walking along with his father, coming closer to the love of his life and he wished for the time to slow down just so he could devour the look of his soon to be husband, oh how hot he looked and the only thing he could ever think was 'OKAY SO I WANT HIM TO FUCK ME RIGHT HERE AND THERE IDC HE LOOKS SO UWUUWU'.

And soon both were facing eachother and they couldn't even blink as they didn't want to waste any second looking away from eachother. The love they had for eachother, it was in their eyes, the smile they had, it was in there too, the necks which were covered in hickeys, yes it showed love too!

"You're so breathtaking taehyung, you're gonna make me tear up just by seeing you" jungkook let out breathing heavily.

Taehyung blushed just the way he blushed on seeing jungkook the first time they met! oh they have come so far and they're so proud of it.

"You're looking ravishing too kookie, don't blame me if I'll not leave you tonight" taehyung winked at jungkook and both laughed at the latter's comment.

It was time, it was time that jungkook would be taehyung's and taehyung would be jungkook's, just as they were before, but now officially.

Soon the priest, I mean yoongi, joined them and started the procession.

"Y'all please don't judge me of what I'll be saying alright? My brain's already paining but I'm here for both of you and for the love of God and for jiminie so yeah" yoongi snickered and everyone laughed at his savageness.

"Alright, today we are here for Mr. Jeon Jungkook's and Mr. Kim Taehyung's wedding. I would like you both to say your vows." Yoongi stated cutting right through the chase and gave a short nod to Jungkook.

"I, Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Taehyung as my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, through thick or thin, in better or worse, in poorer or richer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death to us apart.
I do" Jungkook spoke out, looking into taehyung's eyes who had tears brimming in them. He loved jungkook, and this was all he wanted. He fell for him too hard. Too hard.

"I, Kim Taehyung, take Jeon Jungkook, my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, through thick or thin, in better or worse, in poorer or richer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death to us apart.
I do" Taehyung had now tears rolling down his cheeks, and Jungkook was fast enough to wipe them away because he couldn't see his tae cry. Jungkook smiled widely reassuringly that he is here, here with Taehyung, and will be there with him forever.

"You both can now exchange the rings" yoongi continued and started looking for the rings in pocket and when he couldn't find them all he did was shout out.

"OKAY I CAN'T FIND THE RINGS IM SUPER SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHERE I KEPT THEM OH- nvm" yoongi rambled but then stopped when he saw jungkook taking the box out of his coat pocket.

'why tf does everyone keep bullshiting me omg my head' yoongi dramatically thought and sighed.

Jungkook smiled and then caressed taehyung's hand while he slides the beautiful ring in taehyung's slender finger while Taehyung does the same. Both of them, clasping their hands together and feeling more than ecstatic to have been now bound together.

Yoongi wasn't about to speak further because he knew that they're gonna kiss and make everyone feel as if they're watching live porn but Jungkook having other plans, not able to wait any further pulled taehyung
closer by his waist and smashed his lips on his plump one's, feeling the tingles they felt in their first kiss, they were still there in this one too, the perfect sweetness of taehyung's lips molding together with his slight rough ones, oh how they both loved it but now it was much more. They were much more... And they couldn't have been more happy because this was something they both utterly desired for after how they beautifully confessed their love for eachother.

And it was done, they were married and both couldn't have been much happier.

Before anyone could come up to them and say something, jungkook held taehyung's hand and...

"On the count of three okay? One, two and three!!" Jungkook shouted and both dashed off, running their asses off, both of them giggling but all the others knew where they were running off to.

Well, someone's eager to do something 🌚


'it was the tales of the heart that brought them together, and will keep them together tied by it's strings forever'



The end....

Hey everyone!! I hope y'all are doing amazing. I missed writing like this and I missed you all sm! Ik I've not been very active and im really sorry for the same but I hope that this chapter was okay and ik it was quite of a rushed up ending but I had to end this book so i just wrote whatever i thought and I hope it turns out good! Ik you all have been very patient with me so thank you so very veryy much for being here till now! <3

Comments and votes are very much appreciated! It has been long since I've talked over here so feel free to tell what's been going on! ❤️

I have many other stories waiting to come out right there in the my drafts and what I can hope is that y'all will like them and for my life to just be a tad bit easy on me so that I can update regularly hehe!

So thank you so much, and I hope you all will like this chapter!
Do give my other stories a try too!!

Also, this story as you all know was written by nameera_tk and without her I think i wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to write something like this so thank you so much unnie! 💕

I'll be back with other stories super soon so till then take care, bubyyyee and love love <333 💗

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