Warning: Burping, unwilling prey, and digestion.
The bean from the Sun and Moon Show's first meal!
Lunar simply slouched around in Moon's head. This was boring! And he was hungry... He put a hand on his gut, feeling it ripple and growl aggressively under his hand. "My poor tummy.." Lunar groaned. His attention was caught to someone else. Was that Moon? It was Moon! He seemed confused. "Wait- Who are you?!" Moon asked, glaring at Lunar. "You're... Lunar." It took a second for it to click in his head. "Yeah! And you're my food!" he chirped, approaching Moon. Moon took a step back. "I- What?" Lunar grabbed him by his shoulders and hoisted Moon into his mouth. Lunar moaned a bit at the taste, and pushing Moon further in.
First gulp, and he was at Moon's neck. Moon violently thrashed around. Several gulps later, and Lunar was sprawled out on the floor with a huge and squirmy gut. He patted his stomach, and he felt a large amount of pressure rise up his throat. "HWOUURRRRP~! Excuse me!" he exclaimed, panting.
On hold for now. Should I continue this?