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willow fumbled with the key, impatiently twisting it in anticipation. she couldnt fight the grin off her face as she twisted the lock and swung the door open, closing it quickly behind her so her dog didnt run out.

when she locked eyes with miguel cazarez mora it felt like everything had stopped. she didnt want to look away. she stood frozen in place at the door, tuning out alyssa teasing her and mason grinning at her reaction.

when she finally tuned back into reality, she broke into a run to the boy and practically tackled him into a hug, one he immediately returned. he held her tightly, afraid that if he let go of her she'd disappear. her forehead rested on the top of his shoulder, and she held onto him for dear life.

"hi.." she whispered, unable to mask the overwhelming happiness she was engulfed with. he laughed quietly to himself, convinced this wasnt happening.

"hi." he responded, as they stayed wrapped around each other for longer than any normal friends would. a clearing of the throat was what lead them to be pulled away. alyssa feared they'd be there all night if she didn't interrupt. and as much as she didnt want to ruin the moment, she was freezing her ass off.

"can we finish this inside..? its so cold." everyone laughed at alyssa's complaining, but headed into willow's house, her not failing to notice her best friend still holding hands with the boy she just met. she nudged mason slightly and gestured to the two in front.

"we need to get them together by the end of these two weeks." he whispered, alyssa nodded furiously. "operation willuel is underway, motherfucker!"

willow closed the door behind the two, and let her dog out of the kitchen. he charged towards alyssa, her being the only one he recognised. "hi, apollo!" she spoke in the voice you speak to all dogs.

the black german shepherd spun around in circles for alyssa, earning even more love for himself, then he turned to the two unfamiliar faces. the puppy tentatively made his way over to them, sitting directly in front of miguel, who looked at willow asking if it was okay to pet him.

when she nodded, he touched the fur on the top of apollo's head, and gave him a scratch behind his ears. and he loved that, rolling on his back for miguel, who got the hint and rubbed his stomach.

she watched him, unable to hide her smile. maybe she did like him a little bit

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