~ Smile! ~

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Soma had left to get a few more bars of butter, and you had left even earlier to get plates. However while you were walking back to your station, you didn't see Soma but instead saw two boys, opening the lid for the pot that contained your beef.

You frowned when you saw the salt in their hands. "Whatcha think they're doing?" Soma asked from behind, startling you. He was grinning seeming unsurprised from the situation unfolding. You simply offered him a grin in return: "I think they're asking to be taught a lesson, how about we go teach them one."

Soma had expected you to be mad at the situation, but when he was you smiling, he simply shook his head. You walked back towards your station, sneaking up on the boys. "Soma, did you ask our dear neighbors for more salt?" You spoke loudly to the red head, startling the two boys. They jumped before turning around nervously.

"N-nakiri-san!" The tall one yelled, as you simply offered him a smile. You placed your hand on your hip, slightly amused at the situation. "Oh my, do you not know the recipe? Or perhaps you wanted to sully the Nakiri name." Your tone became cold, and Soma watched as the boys visibly shivered.

"You do realize that you just tarnished your name as a chef. Had this been a restaurant, and the dish was taken to a customer, it would bring down the whole restaurant." The boys were speechless, fear in their eyes, yet you kept smiling.

"If this was a restaurant, you would be fired. A chef's job is to provide the best possible food they can, that should be their number one priority, any chef who thinks about shallow things like this, cannot be a skilled chef." You continued on, and on.

"Now shall we fire you? As in, expulsion? Chappelleee-sens-!" You were cut off when the two boys quickly kneeled and practically began begging. "We're sorry! This won't ever happen again! We're sorry!" They yelled, gaining the attention of onlookers.

"You're forgiven, but how are you going to pay for the 2 specks of extra salt that fell into the pot?" You asked, still amused. The two boys glanced at each other, they look as if they were about to cry. You smiled to yourself: "I'm kidding haha, get up." You said, however it did sound more like an order.

"Now if I ever see you both doing disgusting acts like this, you will be expelled. Get out of my sight." You spoke, finally getting into your station. The two men jumped onto their feet and ran away, absolutely terrified. Soma watched from afar, amused at the show you had put on, he offered you a grin before saying: "that was badass."

"Did you enjoy the show?" You asked, setting the plates down and focusing on your dish. "Man, I'm bummed out that I couldn't record it!" He almost whined, as you chuckled. "Maybe next time." You simply responded, while beginning to fry some mushrooms in butter. While Soma fixed up the pot from the salt, and in a pan mixed butter, flour and onions. 

Soma grinned: "definitely." Finally, Soma and You mixed everything into one large pot, and let it simmer over the heat for a few more minutes. You worked on the plating while Soma toasted some breads and spreaded a cut clove of garlic for taste.

Once everything was done, the both of you exchanged smiles. "Good Job Nakiri!" He said, very brightly. You smiled back: "Good Job Yukihira!" Soma took the finely plated dish onto a tray before taking it over to Chapelle Sensei.

In all honestly, you weren't nervous at all, you were confident in your skill. Especially with the tweaks you and Soma had done to the recipe. Chapelle Sensei first observed the dish, curious at the unique aroma. However his expression changed to one of surprise when he noticed who the chefs were.

He simply took his fork and knife, and cut into the beef, again being surprised at how tender the beef was. He placed the piece in his mouth, and after chewing for a while, his eyes shot open and his cheeks were dusted in red. You and Soma exchanged glances at the unique expression.

"T-this dish! I have never tasted something so amazing!" He praised, causing you to smile. You observed his facial expression, awaiting for him to smile too, it was when he thoroughly chewed and swallowed his food that he offered you both a small smile.

Murmurs and gasps were heard from behind as everyone was surprised from the smile. "This deserves an A! Well done you two." He spoke, quickly taking another bite of the food. You faced Soma. "Challenge accomplished!" Soma spoke, a smile on his face, while he took off the ribbon. "We did it!" You cheered, high-fiving the boy.



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