Part 10

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We all run into the control room and shut the door behind us, but the locks are offline. I notice Ellie seems to limp while she runs. 

"We can call for help?" Lex asks.

"We need to reboot the system first." Ellie responds as she rushes to a computer and leans over it. She begins typing feverishly on the computer. 

"The door locks! Ellie, boot up the door locks!" My father shouts as he tries to force the locks to lock. He looks up and sees a raptor in the window. I watch as the raptor pushes the handle down and opens the door. The door flies open and dad drops his gun before he forces the door to close again.

"Dad!" I shout at the same time Ellie shouts, "Alan!" 

"No, boot up the door locks! Ellie, get back! Boot up the door locks." Dad shouts as he puts all his weight against the door to keep it closed. Me and Ellie lean against the door as well to help.

"You can't hold it by yourself!" Ellie shouts. The three of us struggle to keep the door closed while Lex runs over to the computer and sits down. Tim joins her side. 

"Try to reach the gun." Dad says. 

Ellie sticks her foot out to try and grab it by the strap but it's too far out of reach. "I can't get it unless I move." She explains. 

The door opens a little bit and the raptor sticks her claws through the gap. We push against her, crushing her fingers between the door. She removes her claws and we can shut the door again, but it doesn't help unless we can get the door locks back on. 

Once again the raptor sticks her claws through the gap as she pushes it open. We shove back and she takes her claws away. As the door shuts the locks slide into place. Lex and Tim are cheering from where they are by the computer. 

We three take deep breaths as we step away from the door. Ellie rushes over and joins the kids by the computer. Dad places a hand on my shoulder and turns me to face him. "Are you alright?" He asks. 

I nod. "Yeah. I'm okay." 

He smiles and ruffles my hair before turning to pick up the gun. We head over to the computer. "What works?" He asks Lex. 

"Phones. Security systems. You name it, we got it!" She says. 

Dad picks up the phone off the desk and dials a number. I assume John picked up on the other end. My assumption is correct when dad speaks into the phone.

"Mr. Hammond, the phones are working." There's a brief pause. "The children are fine. Call the mainland. Tell them to send the damn helicopters." Dad says. 

The sound of glass shattering startles us all. Dad drops the phone and whips around. We see the raptor beating on the window to get in. 

"It's trying to get through the glass!" Ellie shouts. Dad fires three shots but it does little to stop the raptor. The gun is out of ammo so he throws it away and gets a ladder. He sets it up so we can climb into the ceiling. 

Lex, Tim, and I go first followed by Ellie then dad. Just as dad gets up to the ceiling the raptor breaks through the glass. Dad climbs into the ceiling and kicks the ladder over. I notice a large vent across the way. 

I point to it, fearful that if I speak the raptor will hear. Dad nods and we all begin crawling. Just before Lex is able to get their the raptor shoves its head through the ceiling, lifting the grate Lex was on. She screams as the raptor hisses. 

Dad kicks the raptor in the face causing the animal to fall along with the grate and Lex. Lex holds onto the ledge as she dangles above the raptor. Dad grabs her arm and pulls her back up right before the raptor could jump to bite her. 

"Go! Move!" Dad shouts. He grabs me and pulls me into the vent with him after Tim. We all crawl through the vents quickly until we came across the main lobby for the visitor center. Dad lifts it then climbs down onto the scaffolding. He turns around and helps me, Lex, and Tim out. Ellie is behind us. 

We move down the scaffolding quickly before we hear a raptor call. We whip around to see it watching us from the ledge. Dad quickly climbs onto the hanging skeletons and we all follow him. 

Unfortunately, so does the raptor. With the extra weight the bones break apart causing us all to go spinning. I scream as I hold on tight to the now swinging t-rex skull. Dad and Tim held on to the Sauropod ribs while Ellie held onto the tail and Lex the neck. The raptor held onto the other side of the ribs. 

Tim drops from the ribs and lands on the floor. The cables holding the skeletons creek and begin giving away to the the weight. Lex and Ellie fall. The rib cage swings violently before Dad lets go and falls. 

I gasp as I feel the skull below me jolt. I look up and watch as the support comes undone. I scream as I fall onto the hard floor. The skull hits the ground next to me. 

We all get up. Lex and I scream when we see the raptor standing on the pile of bones. Dad grabs my arm and pulls me close as he backs us all away from it. We pass Ellie who seems to be frozen staring at something behind us. We hear another call and whip around to see a second raptor approaching. 

We are trapped between the two carnivores. I hold onto my father tight as I look between the two raptors. The new raptor crouches down ready to pounce. It jumps at us and I close my eyes, burying my face in my father's shirt. 

However, instead of pain I hear a chomp sound and cries of pain. We all look up to see the T-rex kill the first raptor. The second raptor hisses and jumps on the rex's back. Using the distraction we all rush toward the doors and out of the visitor center. 

When we get out we see John drive up with a jeep. Ian is in the back. We all quickly jump in. Dad jumps into the front seat. "Mr. Hammond, after careful consideration I have decided... not to endorse your park." Dad says.

"So have I." Hammond mutters and drives off. As we speed away from the road I hear the t-rex roar. Hopefully that's the last time I'll ever hear that noise. 

John drives us to a landing zone where an IGEN helicopter is waiting for us. John carries Tim while Lex walks with Ellie. Dad and I help Ian out of the jeep. Carefully we all get into the helicopter and settle in. Only, John doesn't quite get in yet. He walks off probably to take one last look at his park. 

Dad goes back and brings John to the helicopter. Finally we take off, away from this dreadful island. John stares at the mosquito in his walking stick. Lex lays against John and Tim lays against Lex. The two look absolutely exhausted. 

Dad pulls me into his lap and holds me as if he's afraid I'll disappear. I don't mind. I lay against his chest glad that this nightmare is over. I glance over at Ellie, who sits next to us. She smiles at us, more so at my father. I reach out and grab her hand to pull her closer to us. 

The three of us lean against each other as we just stare out the window watching the water zoom by. 

I'm ready to go home.

And never come back.



Ta da~

That's it for y/n's journey in Jurassic Park. Little did she know she'd return to that island twice more. Hope y'all enjoyed it! Next up Jurassic World: Dominion and that'll be the last instalment of my Owen X reader. Find it on my page Imma start working on it right now! The story is called A World of Chaos


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