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The cold peircing wind made the young girl sitting on a lonely bench in the park, shiver as she rubbed her hands together for warth. Her neon green jacket not bring much warmth as the winter weather came creeping in. Her eyes scanned the area as the last of the people exited the basketball courts.

"Finally." The girl spoke as she stood from the bench. She fix the blue beanie on her head as a bit of her puffed brown hair poked out at front. It bobbed as she walked, looking around to see if she was being followed, only see a few people off in the distances walking towards a different exit.

As she made her way into the basketball courts she glanced around once more, making sure she was alone and out of view from the main park (due to the basketball courts being on the far side near the street) for her late night visitor's sake. She reached into her back pocket of her black leggings to check the time. 11:30 the screen displayed.

"Oh c'mon. You better be here. It's freezing!" She said as a breeze made her wrap her arm around herself and rubbed at her arms.

"Oh relax April. I was just waiting for them to leave." A voice said from above. April turn to look at the basketball hoop above her and smiled seeing her blue hooded friend squatting on the metal pole of the structure.

"So you gonna tell me why you called me out here so late, Leo?" April said as she pulled up the text she received half an hour ago. Leo jumped down landing in front of her. The blue hoodie he wore concealing his shell and twin swords as he stuck his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah well, I didn't know what to do when I found this thing out." Leo said as he walked pass her and towards the chain link fence. He leaned against it, he swords making it a little bit of an awkward stand and let out a sigh of frustration.

"Found out? Leo what's happened? You've been acting weird lately.  Well weirder than normal. Did you and Splints have another fight?" April said as she joined him at the fence. For the past two weeks the red slider had been texting her nonstop. At first she was fine with it, with her being out of town and all, but the messages went from 'hey how you doing?' to ramblings about family and trust.

"It's just Dad." There was a pause as the slider glanced at the brunette. "I always wondered why he's always hard on me for everything. Training till my arms hurt, having to practice using multiple weapons for 'combat purposes', and having to limit my interactions with you!Remember when he found out about us being friends and had me locked up in my room for three months! Three months April!" Leo exclaimed as he remembered the punishment after sneaking April into the sewers and showing her around his home. Splinter had him on 24/7 watch. He wasn't allowed anywhere within the comfort of the sewers without the small rat mutant.

"Yeah your dad did go a bit overboard with that." April said as she remembered not being able to talk with Leo that whole time.

"A bit?"

"Okay a lot." April said as she rubbed the back of her neck. "But I'm sure he's doing that because you're his only son. I mean my parents would do that if I brought you home without their permission."

Leo chuckled dryly at that. "Yeah well look at me. I'm a 5' foot, fourteen year old, talking, mutated turtle. I'm sure that scream friendly to people."

"5'5." April corrected. Leo gently pushed her arm away from him with a smirk. April laughed as she slightly wobbled to the side before readjusting herself against the fence. "I'm hurt young man. Is that a way to treat your sister from a other mister?" April joked

Leo laughed but it his eyes held no joy just pain. April noticed her little jab at him only made his mood worse. Did something happen while she was gone? Did Splints go too far on a punishment again? Oh how she wished she could have said no to her family trip to stay with Leo.

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