Chapter 1

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Mikey and Endora sat in the freezing ass park at nine in the evening, it's fall time and they still dress for summer and complain they're cold the entire time they are out there, like you'd think they would dress for the weather but nooooo.  (they're in canada its fine

Endora pointed to the sky, "look it's a UFO, it's.." she took a long pause thinking on the right word to use "scanning" she landed on scanning for whatever reason, but it is now the best inside joke between the two. Of course Mikey made fun of her and laughed her ass off. 

They decided to lay on the slide, y'know the one that's divided in two. To watch the stars and talk about anything that came to mind. Suddenly this beam of light came down and engulfed them, "we're being beamed up". 

When the light disappeared they were sitting on the floor in some spaceship, with two giant robots looking down at them "what was in that blunt" Mikey thought out loud "Aw scrap.." Endora muttered to herself

"Bring us to your leader, hehe" Mikey laughed to herself, "Will you shut up! this is serious, we are with the fucking decepticons Mikey" Endora whisper-yelled at her

"i'm higher than the empire state building there's no why i'm going to be serious in this situation right now" the two bickered back and forth to the amusement of the robot aliens "you're gonna get us both killed" 

"Eh, I die, I die" Mikey shrugged "I like these two, do you suppose lord megatron will let us keep them?" the large red bot spoke up "i'm fine with that, as long as i get food and the occasional 2 hour nap" the four of them just looked at eachother "so, parlay?" Endora just rolled her eyes "so uh when are we gonna meet megatron because if I am gonna die I want to at least meet him first" 

"Can I eat this" Mikey picked up this strange glowing bar "no you can't eat the energon, that will kill you" Endora smacked it out of her hand "but it looks tasty'' Mikey kept picking around at all the things on the tables not caring if they could probably kill her. "Got anything in here I can eat?"

"Norths at tims" Endora commented "oh, tell her to get me a boston cream and an icecap" the two of them carried on their conversation completely ignoring the two robots in the room. "do these two ever stop talking?" 

"I dont, not sure about her" Mikey just waved him  off and told endora to add sprinkle doughnuts to the order. "if shes ordering all this we gotta pick her up" 

"You were going to if you wanted to or not" Mikey just looked at them, "wait- aren't these the dinky cars your always talking about?" Knockout let out a insulted gay gasp "yes Mikey these are the decepticons.." 

"The bad guys? Cool, they're the gay ones right?" Mikey crossed her arms trying to make some sense of the situation at hand. "Does that mean they know the avengers? Cuz if the space robots are real so are they right?" Endora just looked at her silent for a moment "I mean..maybe? we could always ask Megatron once we meet him" 

"You wanna ask the big bad guy if he knows superheroes?, i thought you were the sober one, besides there would have to be some massive rip in the multiverse for that to happen, the likelihood of that happening is like less than 5 percent"  Endora just let out a sigh "you are questioning superheros and not the giant alien robots that just kidnapped us?" 

"Not my first time being kidnapped, so no" Endora grabs Mikey's shoulders and shakes her abit "This. is. important." Mikeys face scrunched up and her hand flew to her mouth "you're making me sick, stop shaking me" Endora let her go and Mikey found a random bucket to empty her stomach in "thanks for that"

 "You're welcome"

"Can I eat that" this time she pointed to an orange stick "Mikey that's an electrocution stick, that will kill you" Mikey just shrugged and reached for it "Mikey NO-"  "the purple one"  "Do not eat anything okay-"

"Can we make a pit stop to the kitchen before we meet the mafia boss?"  "he's not a mafia boss he's a war lord-"

"I see no difference" 

"So we're gonna stand here all day or are we gonna meet the man?" Knockout sighs picking up the two "lets go fleshies, lord Megatron is waiting" 

"Hey no touching man"

"we were waiting on you big man" Endora replies as she sits in his hand like she knows what she's doing as he walks off down the hall Mikey points to every door and asks what's behind it, trying to be as annoying as possible because he just rudely picked her up without asking first. "Didn't your mother ever teach you manners?" She sat criss-cross applesauce beside Endora. 

He didn't answer just led us to a set of big double doors, "for an advanced spaceship I expect them to go into the walls or up, not open like actual doors #disappointed" when we finally got across the room in the center of the room Megatron turned in his seat "what-" Mikey cut him off "who do I file a complaint with, i need to write a very long, very passagressive email to your customer service department" 

"Mikey that is a war lord he does not give a scrap about our pleasure"

"First suggestion, a customer service department, second suggestion a way cooler door to your office, like come on dude, I thought you were supposed to be the cool one"

"Oh also we need to make a pit stop before all the touture happens, our friend got us coffee, also do you have 20 bucks?" Endora covers her mouth "seriously you are gonna get us killed" Mikey just shrugged "eh, I welcome death like an old friend" 

Yet again the pair ignored the alien robots, much to Megatron's dismay if he had a nose im sure he would be sighing and pinching the bridge of it.  "So about our friend" Endora groaned and gave her the 'really' look.  "Hey" Mikey not so quietly whispered in Endora's ear "this is nuts its like those stories you tell me"

 "Yes well I plan on not dying on this ship and finding the autobots" Mikey wiggles her eyebrows suggestively knowing what kind of stories she tells "have fun with that" "don't look at me like that, not when the big man is present he doesn't exactly like you know who" 

"Boss man can wait, and i'm gonna look at you however I want" "well that's something you shouldn't say to your cousin" 

"First, eww, second i'm slightly proud cuz that's something I would say"

Mikey looked up to the robot that healed her "can i switch robots, i don't want to sit next to her anymore" pointed to Megatron "I want that one"

 "yes, leave, I have something to do" 

"So do I, and that's being killed one way or another" Mikey tried to get off of the robots hand she didn't care if the 20 foot drop would hurt her "well that got dark real fast" 

"You'll get used to it, its like my whole personality" she finally let go ready for the impact but the other robot caught her before she hit the floor, she just gave him the evil eye "really" 

Megatron let out a robotic sigh "why do we have fleshies on my ship"

"First of all, rude, second your men kidnapped us, yet another complaint going to customer service, third, i'm sure my coffee is minted by now knowing the heat in that place" 

Knockout let out a tired sigh "well lord Megatron this one has an autobot symbol on her shoulder" he holds up Endora, Mikey shifted making sure her decepticon one on the back of her neck is covered "Lord? What is this the 1800s?" she rolled her eyes "we forgot to stop at the kitchen on the way" her stomach made a very loud dying walrus noise 

"can you stop thinking about food for five minutes, I have the symbol of their enemy on my body, I am in danger"

"That's not my problem, I haven't eaten in 48 hours, I'm hungry"

"So our friend?" Megatron finally having enough of their shit stood up "fine, go get them" 

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