You Left Him!?

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Yaz's POV:

We arrived back to the watering hole. Sammy paced nervously, she noticed us and ran over to me. I was relieved to see her. "Yaz!" She hugged me, kissing me on the cheek. "Hey." I mumbled barely. Darius slowly walked up to Kenji. "Where's Ben?" Kenji asked, Darius was silent. Sammy let go of me to try and listen. "We had to leave him." Darius mummbled, Kenji froze, trying to process what the younger boy had just said. He glanced over to me, I nodded, confirming the information. He covered his mouth, I could tell what was about to happen and I didn't want to watch it.

"You Left Him!?" Kenji loudly asked in disbelief, Darius fidgeted with his fingers. "Listen, I didn't want to but just trust me-" "Trust you!? I have trusted you enough Darius. You can't just leave Ben with Mr. Kon and then tell us to trust you!" He shouted, Darius looked down at the ground. "I do care about him, but you have to trust me on this!" Darius begged, Kenji shook his head. "I get that your scared D, but this is ridiculous. You slapped Ben, you left Ben, and now your saying you care about him! Maybe think before acting for once in your life, because what you just did was fucking pathetic." Kenji snapped, Darius stood there in shock.

Kenji stomped off, I sighed and shook my head on disappointment to Darius. I ran after Kenji. "Kenji, come on!" I called out.

No words I literally have barely felt emotions today it's concerning

Word Count: 266

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