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Hello, readers...oh, I'm sorry if this sounds tacky. I can't really make small talk.

I just wanted you to please try to understand that I come from a world that has far different moral and behavioral standards than most of you are accustomed to.

Some of the norms that we lived with in a small town of Llanford, Pennsylvania will shock most of you, even repel some of you...I apologize in advance for this.

The world my family and I lived in for many years was rife with stratification, hypocrisy, adultery, unpunished murder, unpunished rape, lies, framing others for crimes, deceit and all manner of physical and emotional abuse and boundry violations.

Again...I do apologize in advance to anyone who may be shocked or upset by our actions.

I hope you will understand if not forgive my own transgressions that you may read about here...and I dearly hope many, if not most of you will understand.

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