"Sorry guys, I'm not your Barbie..." I laugh, pushing them away as I scan the crowd for my sister, Skipper. I know they won't give up, they'll be back soon, just like every other guy who has met me and only known the image. Oh, they think I'm so stupid, I'm not going to go out with just any boy.
They must assume I'm unstable too - telling somebody the truth for once - that I'm on my way to a therapist. I fume, no wonder they were the first to actually say they'd look after me. Not that I'd believe it for one second, it's all an act, a game. Little do they know that I've stolen everyone's 'get out of jail free' cards, and there's no chance of them chasing me forever.
I finally spot her, and wave akwardly. Skipper walks over, carefully making sure she doesn't step on any cracks in the pavement, in fear of crocodiles. I take a look at what she's wearing, and my jaw drops. She's wearing fluffy black slippers, knee high socks covered in a red lipstick print, a long white shirt thats been hacked up at the bottom, with a black sparkly bandanna around her waist like a belt. Oh, and a cowboy hat.
"Hey, FREAK." she says cheerily, and blows a mint ice-cream bubble in my direction.
Ah, the delicious smell of ice-cream flavoured bubbles...
"C'mon cowboy," I say, and pull her hat down, making her stick her tongue.
"Where were you anyway?" I ask, curious.
We've started walking now, and she's so deep in concentration that she's not looking where she's going...
Skipper just walked into a lampost.
"Oh no! Is it okay?" I help her up, looking for any signs of damage.
"Yes, I'm fine." Skipper snaps angrily.
"I meant the lampost, not you." I say, stifling laughter, "It doesn't look hurt..."
We walk in silence for a while, and I ignore all the shop windows, stare at the littered floor when someone walks past, and suddenly, Skipper breaks the silence.
"I was trying to by some skittles."
Skipper shakes her head, "You know moron, you asked what I was doing earlier, well, that's what I was doing. Attempting a fate so dangerous, so-"
she cuts off, distracted by a market stall selling neon sunglasses.
"We'll go there on the way back," I say sighing, she would by anything if she could. Ha, she even asked a zoo once if they were willing to negotiate giraffe prices.
We were kicked out.
But maybe it was partly because I reached through the bars in an attempt to stroke a white tiger. Evidently it didn't like it, I think that showed when it broke the keeper's leg.
I tried to explain that it wasn't my fault that the fence surrounding the enclosure was broken, but they didn't listen. They told me that I was 'very nice, but I should never come back because I had scared the tiger.'
I was about four.
The song, "If you see a tiger, don't forget to ROAR!" still scars me.
"I wanted to taste the rainbow..." Skipper mourns.
"That bad?" I ask, arching one eyebrow.
She is my sister, but sometimes I wonder...
"Yes. He said I wasn't old enough, that children under the age of ten aren't allowed to buy anything without 'Parental Guidance'." she sniffed, "I'm freaking twelve years old!"
"I feel your pain," I say, "hey, how about we taste the rainbow when I get back?" I ask, nudging her.
Skipper smiles, her face lighting up.
"Barbara Roberts?"
My mind wants to yell, that's not me, I'm not her, we are not each other. Go look in the cookie jar.
The COOKIE JAR? another part of me scoffs, you really do need help...
Reluctantly I get up, and follow the woman waiting for me. She leads me through two white doors with a plaque stating, "Specialist Unit".
Oh God, save me now. I'm a 'specialist case'. I blush furiously, I don't even need to be here, and now they ever so kindly let me know that I'm not a normal person. Well I'm not. Just not how they think.
I twist my fiery red hair round my finger, something I do when I'm nervous. I shouldn't be though, I know that I won't ever have to come back after today, nobody has ever had the strength to carry on. The woman smiles strangley, and tells me her name is Sophie. Nice, a normal name. I wish my parents weren't stuck in the 50's when they named me, maybe then I'd be partially sane.
"So," she says akwardly, breaking the silence. "Why are you here? You seem normal"
I feel like saying, don't they all? Anyway, it's none of your business, but I don't.
"Because I need to learn that having your own slut doll isn't a reason to be angry." I say calmly, watching her horrified expression.
BAHAHAHA! That showed you Sophie.
Tears of laughter threaten to fall and I know without looking that my green eyes are sparkling. I can't help but feel smug.
She shakes her head, mutters something about wild youth and we continue walking in silence, the only noise is my black converses squeaking on the polished floor. My stomach makes a funny noise, I'm starved. I could kill for a piece of cheese right now.
Finally we come to a stop, we're outside a door that says, "Doctor Lee". Sophie knocks and ushers me in, closing the door behind me.
xD Vote. Comment. Fan... please? It would mean a lot to me :)
Skipper is freaking amazing! I just <3 her.
damn, galaxy ripple in the computer keys O.o
I'm not your Barbie
Romance"I suggest you know these four things before even approaching Barbie, !) I'm not stupid. I even keep a diary, meaning that I'm not so much of an airhead that I forget what happens to me the same day. For example, five minutes ago I slapped Ken for t...