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Dean Winchester
26 years Old
[the oldest brother]
Jensen Ackles

Dean Winchester26 years Old[the oldest brother]Jensen Ackles

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August Winchester
24 years old
[the older twin]
Ian Somerhalder

August Winchester24 years old[the older twin]Ian Somerhalder

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Asher Winchester
24 years old
[the younger twin]
Jonathan Groff

Asher Winchester24 years old[the younger twin]Jonathan Groff

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Sam Winchester
22 years old
[Mary's youngest]
Jared Padalecki

Sam Winchester22 years old[Mary's youngest]Jared Padalecki

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Caitlyn Winchester
18 years old
[the second youngest]
Dianna Agron

Joanna "Joanie" Winchester16 years old[the baby of the family]Lea Michele

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Joanna "Joanie" Winchester
16 years old
[the baby of the family]
Lea Michele

Joanna "Joanie" Winchester16 years old[the baby of the family]Lea Michele

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