Season One, Episode One
Pilot Part Two
November 1st, 2005

am was in the passenger seat of Dean's 1967 black Chevy Impala, August was beside him in the middle, Asher, Joanie, Caitlyn, and Dean were in the gas station getting snacks. "Hey, you two want any breakfast?" Dean asked. "No thanks," Sam replied. "Hell yeah," August replied, he hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before. Caitlyn handed him a bag of chips and a soda before putting the rest in the cooler they kept in the back of the Impala since more than once they have had to make mac 'n cheese in a gas station or motel microwave. 

Dean was used to cooking out of microwaves so he also brought other things so that they wouldn't get sick of mac 'n cheese which for people who still mostly acted like 12 year olds was their go-to meal. Having to raise his five siblings really taught Dean a lot of things, like how to change a diaper, how to wash clothes in a bath tub, how to cook put of a microwave. He even taught himself how to do makeup so he could teach Caitlyn and Joanie or Sam, Asher or August when they got older.

"How'd you pay for that stuff anyway? You guys and Dad still running those credit card scams?" Sam asked, swinging his legs into the car and closing the passenger side door. "Yeah, well, Hunting ain't a pro-ball career," Joanie said. "Besides, all we do is apply, it's not our fault they send the cards," Caitlyn added. "And what names did you write on the applications this time?" Sam questioned. "Bert Aframian, and his kids Hector, Damon, Stefan, Gertrude and Jane," Dean replied, getting into the driver's seat on the other side of August, squishing Sam further into the passenger window.

"Sounds about right," Sam said. It was cramped, but Sam soon realized how much he missed being squished against the window. Caitlyn was on the passenger side inches backseat and Joanie was on the drivers side in the backseat. Asher was in between Caitlyn and Joanie, Sam would always take pitty on Asher for having to sit in the middle, it's really not that pleasant when one or all three of the front seat people fart and all you can do is sit there helpless while the other too try and get the Window down because Dean hadnt updated the windows to be electric and so they were still cranks. 

"I swear guys, you got to update your cassette collection," Sam said. "Why?" August asked. "Well for one, their cassette tapes, and two Metallica, AC/DC, Motörhead, these are all the classics of mullet rock," Sam explained. "House rules Sammy, Driver and Middle chose the music, Shotgun and Backseat shut their cakeholes," August said taking the AC/DC cassette from the box and popping it in the cassette player. "You have zero taste in music Sammy," August said. "Sammy is a chubby 12-year-old, it's Sam," the third youngest Winchester said. "Sorry can't hear you! The musics too loud!" Joanie yelled over the music causing everyone (except Sam) to laugh. Sam pulled out his phone and sent a text to Jessica. 

Love you sweetheart, miss you Jess❤, Dean, August, Asher, Caitlyn and Joanie are being idiots. is all the message said. It was soon replied with my poor baby, I love you, get home soon so we can cuddle❤, the bed is so empty😢. Sam sighed. He loved that woman so much, he wished he could tell her the truth about what he did, but he couldnt, he couldn't risk losing her or even worst, her getting killed. I'll call you later, love you❤. Was the last text Sam sent before putting his phone back in his pocket.

Sam was subjected to his siblings obnoxiously singing along yo the radio for another three hours before they rolled up to a bridge. "Check it out," Dean said. There was crime scene tape across the enterence of the bridge and police officers were all over the place. "What are we going to be this time? FBI? Secret Service? CIA?" Caitlyn asked. "None of the above," Dean replied. August got a box of ID cards out of the glove box, the ID cards had John, Dean, August, Asher, Caitlyn and Joanie's faces on them with different names. Caitlyn and Joanie looked older for their ages, but they both only looked to be about 20 or so, so if they needed too (which they have had to do on several occasions) they would just lie and say they looked young for their age.

August hands out the ID cards and Joanie let out a groan when she saw that her ID card had the name Scully on it. It had become an ongoing joke between the siblings that in every case someone was going to get the names Scilly and Mulder. "Seriously dude?" Caitlyn asked when she saw that she had gotten Mulder. August laughed a little. "C'mon, we need to get the infolightly " Asher said, lightly pushing Joanie out the car door so he could get out. 

Everyone stayed close together as they approached the crime scene. Asher was always in the middle because if he wasnt, he could accidently get a look at blood or something and then vomit would be everywhere. "You had another one just like this last month?" Caitlyn asked when they got to the crime scene. "Who are you?" One the officers asked. The siblings flashed their badges. "Federal Marshalls," Caitlyn saidm "you had another just like this last month right?" She repeated. "Yeah," the officer said. "What's your guys theory?" Joanie asked. "Honestly? We don't have one. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?" The officer explained. "Well that's just the kind of cracked up police work I would expect from you," Dean said. Sam stomped on his foot before quickly thinking of something to say. "Thank you for your time, Gentlemen," Sam said. 

August. Asher, Sam, Caitlyn and Joanie started walking away from the crime scene without Dean. But Dean soon caught up and smacked Sam on the back of the Head, "ow! What was that for?" Sam asked. "Why'd you step on my foot?" Dean asked. "Why do you have to talk to police like that?"  Sam retorted "they have no idea what's going on here, if we're going to find Dad. We're on our own," Dean said. "Still no excuse to talk to cops like that, De," Joanie said. From behind them they heard someone clearing their throat and everyone turned to look at the.. "Can I help you kids?" The Sheriff asked. "No sir, we're just leaving," August said, herding his siblings towards the car. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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