34. Drifting Away

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Prakriti's pov:

Kya yaar Darshan you said we will have a game night tonight.

Darshan: I know yaar. I'm sorry Kiara isn't feeling well. I have to go see her.

Prakriti: It's okay don't say sorry. Her health matters most. Let me know hei she's feeling once you reach.
He just nodded and left. Here I am back to being alone. Everyone is busy with their own life. Suku is in Delhi. The only person I used to spend time with was him. But he has found a replacement too. It has been months since we spent quality time together. The last time we did was before he met her. Was I doing the right thing? Am I gonna lose him? Is he drift away for me? Or are we growing apart? No Prakriti stop. You can't be selfish. Remember? You said you just want to see him happy. Then why are you trying to stop him from being happy. You knew you weren't strong neigh for this but still you did this. There isn't any going back now. You have to be strong. Not for me but for him. I'm gonna be okay. I can do this.
I controlled myself from tearing up. I wasn't gonna cry. He is happy. That's all I wanted.

Kiara's pov:

Kiara: Darshan please na. I can't eat more.

Darshan: K you have to finish this soup. This is gonna make you feel better.

Kiara: But what's the need for this when you're next to me. You are everything I need to heal.
He blushed. He touched my forehead.

Darshan: You don't have fever now. When did you have fever last time?

Kiara: Umm.. I.. noon. Yeah.. I had fever at noon and I took medicine before calling you. That's why I don't have it rn.
I tried to cover up. He seemed to believe it. Thank god.

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