U-Kwon " Cafe date"

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Your name is (f/n) (l/n) you are 19 years old.You just moved to south korea with your older brother (b/n). You are a big fan of Block b, your favourite member of Block b is U-kwon.


Your P.O.V

" (f/n)!!! " My brother yells as i sit up and run down stairs to see him smiling like an idiot, " yess..?" I ask tilting my head. " i got you something!" He says standing up and holds out tickets, he hands them to me and i smile and look at them. I almost scream as i read them " BLOCK B TICKETS!!" I yell smiling i smile and hug him, " THANK YOU!!" I scream and jump up and down, he smiles and chuckles. " its for a fan signing..sorry i could get like concert tickets..i am still trying to get money.." He says shyly, i smile and hug him. " even better!" I say and giggle and jump around.

" well the signing is in a few hours..sorry i gave you this at the last moment.." He laughs and pushes me up to my room. " get into something nice and ill drive you there!" He says as i giggle and close the door and pick out an outfit.

-At the fan signing-

I scream in my head as i walk into the doors, i see alot of people i gasp as i see them setting up tables. I look at my watch 5 minutes till it starts i smile, i walk over to a little cafe bar and order a watermelon bubble tea. I smile as the man hands me my drink i start walking back to the signing table when i bump into someone. " omg sorry!! " The person says as the help me up, i look at them and gasp "U-U-kwon..." I studer looking at him. He smiles and chuckles. " so your a fan..sorry about bumping into you.." He says, as he smiles.

I blush and look away, he chuckles again. " anyways whats your name?" He asks smiling brightly running his hands threw his beautiful hair. " oh sorry my name is (f/n) (l/n)." I say blushing and giggling, moving a strand of my hair out of my face. " (f/n) (l/n)" he repeats smiling, " beautiful name it suits you" He chuckles and grabs your hand, " so (f/n)..do you wanna go on a little coffee date..?" He asks smiling cutely, " s-sure i'd love to!" I smile brightly, " okay meet my at (insert cafe name) at 6:00!" He says as he runs of to his table.

I smile and giggle to myself, ' U-kwon asked me on a date OMG!' I scream in my head, today was gonna be an amazing day.

To be continued....

>Space bunny here!! Hope you guys like this and request some oneshots!! FIGHTING~!<

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