U-kwon "Cafe date" Part 2

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Your P.O.V

I sigh as i sit at a cafe table waiting for U-kwon, i start to think he isn't gonna show up when he runs over to the table. " sorry i am late!" He says smiling, " i was busy with the guys..we had a recording to do.." He says smiling, and orders two chocolate bubble teas and smiles at me.

I giggle as we talk and drink our bubble tea, " (f/n) i didn't know you where that funny!" He says laughing, he grabs my hand and smiles cutely.
" look (f/n) i know we just met...and i don't know you very much..i just wanted to ask if you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks smiling brightly.

I blush and smile my eyes widen in shock i almost drop my bubble tea, " y-yes of course!!" I say giggling, he smiles and leans in and kisses me. I blush and kiss him, he breaks the kiss and smiles. " i love you my beautiful little flower~"

> alittle short..i know... •u• please request some oneshots or ill just write random ones! FIGHTING~!<

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