iii. party till we drop...literally

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party till we drop...literally


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'✭.<Alora Ivory>.*•
True fairytales always has a villain

Night finally approached and I was getting ready in the dorms with Sam and Tara. They were certainly excited and I was too I mean I hated Pansy's parties because it was just only place where people would cause chaos.

"I'm so excited for this party like I need something to take my mind off all of this stress on school." Tara said as she touched up her hair. "My parents are already giving me shit because Tristan was a straight A student last year. Blah blah." She mocked.

Tara went to her closet and pulled out piles and piles of clothing, she went through it, spreading it all across the ground while Sam slowly put it back in her closet. "Alora what are you wearing because for the life of me I cannot decide."

"Well it's at the lake and just in case I want to swim I'm gonna put on a swimsuit and shorts." She jumped and went back in the closet, Sam grunted as she fell back on her bed.

"We should all wear matching outfits. Like Sam you wear this." She said as pulled up a large variety of outfits from the closet. "If they don't fit then we can always use the magic...of tailoring!"

Tara loves doing that, I guess it's a hobby that she picked up last year and well although she needs more practice she still makes the outfits kind of wearable.

We all took turns putting on the outfit Tara chose and we all then headed down to the black lake which where loads of people were. They were dancing swimming, making out and playing games.

The first thing I saw was Alex talking with this girl, she was laughing with him as she kept touching his arm. "Seems like your brother is going to be getting it tonight." Sam said as she winked, I faked gagged and I saw Mattheo coming up to us.

"Well, Hello ladies." He said then looked over at me, "Ivory. Didnt expect you to actually show up. Your little boyfriend is over there. Alone." Which was true. Tristan was standing near the water with a drink in his hand.

I walked over to him before I heard some girls talking, "you know I would like totally get with Tristan, I mean he is tall, blonde, cute face and the quiet ones are always the best." The girl said as her friends laughed. A wave of jealousy hit me before I saw a tall figure standing infront of me.

"You look nice Flower." A deep soothing voice, Tristan. I looked up and saw him with a slight grin. "Says you golden boy."

He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked over to sit down near the water. "I should've waited for you, I felt awkward just standing there." He said as he turned to me. I grabbed his hand and put it in mine. "I will make sure to never make you feel like that, ever."

He put his hand through my hair and pulled me closer, almost where can I feel his heart racing. "Well what makes you happy then, Tristan?" I asked.

"Probably only you, Flower." He leans his head on mine, I could feel butterflies in my stomach. He just says the right things all the time. "You know what also makes me happy?" I look at him confused.

Tristan picks me up bridal style, and he throws me into the water. Luckily it wasn't that deep cause well I can't really swim...but I moved my hair out of my face and I saw him laughing.

I took off my shorts and shoes where I threw them back on the grass, "are you gonna come in, Golden boy! Or are you too much of a scaredy cat." I pouted, he looked at me amused before slowly taking off his shirt which god damn! He is just beautiful and perfect everywhere.

He slowly got in and finally reached me, where we were face to face, "Not much of a scaredy cat now, huh." He said, I shrugged and he slowly swam to the deeper part of the water. He wave for me to follow but I shook my head.

He put his hand out and I took it hesitantly. He slowly approached me so that we were really close. "Put your arms around my neck." I did as told and he put his hands around my waist. We looked at each other and I could feel both of our faces getting closer before I heard a shout.

"Lora. Can we talk." Alex said with a demanding tone. He looks like he is pissed. "I'm kinda busy, Alex. Let talk tomorrow." I said and focused back my attention to Tristan who was looking at Alex.

"No, Now!" I grunted and Tristan helped me move over the grass. He put his jacket around me and gave me a reassuring smile before leaving me with Alex.

"You two looked quite comfortable. Are you guys together." He rolled his eyes, I furrowed my eyebrows and scoffed. "Please, and you weren't flirting with that girl? Are you guys together? You seemed sooo comfortable." I spat back.

"Don't do that Lora." He shook his head in disapproval, "then stop treating me like a kid!" I yelled way too loud bring peoples attention to us. "Are you and Tristan together or not?!"

"Why would it be your business?" Who does he think he is? He thinks he can just control me and who I date, what the fuck! "Because I'm your brother, and you think Tristan Erdos will be the suitable choice for you? He is gonna mess up and break your heart at the end."

Out of nowhere I lifted my hand and slapped Alex. Holy shit, why did I do that? I just slapped my own fucking brother!

"What the fuck, Alora!" He yelled as he slightly pushed me, I didn't plan to fight back but Tristan stepped right in front of me. "Come on man, don't do this infront of everyone. You probably had too much drinks." Tristan said calmly and this made Alex even more upset.

"Who do you think you are, Tristan? Being a bad influence on my sister? Turning her against me? Making her not even be able to tell me the truth about you two?" Everyone was looking at us and I could just feel how Tristan is getting nervous.

"I didn't do anything to Alora. It isn't my fault that she doesn't tell you shit." Tristan said as confidently as he could, Alex scoffed. "Come on, Tristan. Let's just go." I whispered the him and he looked over to me nodding.

We tried walking away before Alex shoved Tristan hard making him stumble and making me fall to the ground. I looked over at Tristan and he looked as mad as Alex was. I cupped his face, "No, don't hurt him. Please." I begged.

Tristan got out of my grasp and stormed over to Alex. Before a blink of an eye, Tristan balled up his fists and swung towards Alex. Alex fell and he immediately got to his feet, the blood dripping from his nose slowly went down his face not even bothering him.

We heard a scream but it wasn't from any of the people who were here? Some people ran off while others circled around Alex and Tristan.

Oh no...

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