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Another year of Hallow's eve. A day of dressing up, a day of trick o'treating door to door collecting candy, a day to do all the things that are done on Halloween day.

"Seriously? Busy? Mom I'm never busy, especially if it's Oliver, I'm never busy for him"

"Well you should have told me-"

"You should have asked me! It's not my fault, don't blame me-"

"Hey! Don't give me that attitude, and it doesn't matter. He is already going trick or t with a friend. I'm heading to work at the clinic. If you want go see him. If not stay here. Text me whatever you do, I'm already running late. Don't misbehave, I love you honey" Y/n's mother rushed over to her kissing her forehead and ran outside.


Y/n groaned and slouched back onto the couch. "Halloween..can't even go hang out with my friends. I can't do anything.." She looked around her home, searching for something to do. Her eyes then lit up, she sprung up to her feet.

Mom just left..a walk in the park won't be bad..maybe I'll come across Oliver.

Y/n stuffed her feet in her shoes, throwing on her coat and grabbing her belongs she needs. She looked outside to see if her mother left, and she did. She began walking down the block. Already seeing early trick or treaters, children with their parents giggling and running.

Rumors say that apparently the woods near the park is magical...as if magic is real.

Y/n walked till she reached the park. The sun already setting, meaning that the trick or treaters begin to come out.

The sky looks pretty today..huh a full moon tonight..

Y/n looked up seeing the moon that's visible in the sky.

Could the woods actually be magical?—pfft
y/n be real. Magic isn't real

Y/n made it to the small park seeing kids playing on the playground, running around in their cute Halloween costumes.

Y/n smiled as she remembered when her and Oliver use to come here when they were younger.

"Careful Oliver!"

"Okay Auntie!"

Nathan ran across the playground making it to the top and to the slide. "You watching me!"

"Yep!" Oliver slid down, at the end Y/n waiting for him. As he made it to the ground he stopped and stared into the distance. "Hey Ollie..you okay?" Y/n kneeled down to his height.

"I saw sparkles..they looked so cool" y/n confused turned around seeing into the woods and saw nothing. "Uh yeah sure kid.."

"Hey y/n! You and Oliver alright?"

"Yeah Bro! We're fine..Oliver  come one, let's go eat alright?"

Oliver nodded as he kept staring into the woods.

Y/n walked around the perimeter of the playground looking into the woods.

Halloween was better last year..why does this one feel..different? Probably cause I'm getting older..

Y/n felt a vibration in her pants pocket, taking her phone out seeing a message from her nephew.

Ollie: why are you busy today? I wanted to go trick or treating with you like last year!

Ollie: you okay? Did I tell you I dress up as a wizard this year! Magic is so cool! I think I did tell you.

Y/n smiled at his message, quickly looking up to see where she was walking too and then back at her phone. Continuing walking into the woods not realizing how deep she was getting. Tripping a few times.

Yn: Hey Ollie, well I wasn't really busy. You're grandma didn't know if I was or not.

Yn: sorry little man. Maybe I'll pass by you. I'm in the park right now if you're wondering.

Yn: You better collect

Y/n was stopped from typing as she actually tripped but a strong wind made her fall hard to the ground. Her phone flying out of her grasp. "Ow fuck.." y/n muttered siting up slowing. Looking around her surroundings.

"That's what I get for not looking where I'm walking.." y/n sat up seeing trees forming a circle. Every tree having an image craved into them representing a holiday.

Y/n stood up on her feet collecting her phone. She brushed off the leaves on it. "What is this place? How far did I walk..?" She rubbed her legs a bit feeling a spark of pain.

She spun around looking at the doors. She walked up to the one with the pumpkin craved in. "A knob..?"

No y/n you shouldn't touch it. What is wrong with you! Turn your ass around and head back.

Y/n hesitated to the take the door knob. Taking her hand back she turned, but as she walked away she heard the swing. Turning her head seeing the door opened. She gasped as a strong wind gusted out of the door and swarming around her. Pulling her in.

"No, no, no, no! Holy shit what is going on!?" She fell back, trying to grabbing something but failed. She collapsed into the door and began falling further and further down. Her eyes widened seeing sparkles surrounding her. She looked around turning so she was facing below her.

Squinting her eyes to see visible, land.

Holy shit! Holy shit! Am I gonna die!? No no no! I shouldn't have walking so deep in the forest! Stupid stupid Y/n!

Y/n brought her hands up to her face waiting for impact of the ground. Soon enough she did make it to the ground.

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