Chapter 10:

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Clawd walked lethargically down the school halls, his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face. He had done multiple laps around the school to avoid class, and he was thankful that he hadn't been caught yet. Any student or teacher could jeopardize his leisurely walk, and that was the last thing he wanted. Clawd passed your classroom, as he often found himself doing, and smiled. There you were, with your hair draped over your face and your head being held up by your arm. You struggled to stay awake as the boring lecture continued.

As a last resort, you raised your hand. The teacher stared at you as you stood from your desk. "Can I use the restroom?"

"Sure, go." The teacher sighed before continuing.

You stepped from your desk and to the door. Then, you carefully opened and shut it so you didn't make a lot of noise. Clawd pretended to have been walking by, and he didn't look at you as he rounded a corner.

You shrugged and sluggishly walked to the bathroom before propping yourself up against the wall. You felt drained of all energy, and you didn't want to do anything besides go home and take a nap. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible, so you settled on standing in the restroom for a moment longer before leaving.

You walked back to class, oblivious of the man that followed behind you. Clawd walked silently and stealthily. He didn't want to be caught. He didn't want you to think of him as a weirdo. But Clawd knew he was, which made everything even more challenging.

But even through the challenges, he wholeheartedly enjoyed seeing you. He enjoyed the raw you, the you that no one else ever saw. It made him feel closer to you in a way, and his heart swelled. A euphoric feeling took over as he inhaled the scent of your strong perfume.

He figured your overuse of perfume was to cover the smell of marijuana.

Jackson passed him through the halls and ran up to you with a blush. Clawd stood back as you two talked. His gut felt like it had been twisted with anger. It seemed as if a black hole was in the pit of his stomach, and it threatened to take over anything and everything in its path.

The blush Jackson wore made him feel even worse. He knew what that meant. Clawd knew exactly how a man flirts with a woman.

Clawd bit down on his lips to refrain from harming Jackson like his arms and fingers begged him to. They twitched with anticipation, and Clawd knew that getting rid of Jackson would help in so many ways.

He didn't risk it, though. He would never do something so reckless infront of you. He doubted your sweet mind would he able to handle such violence.

Your loud giggles broke him from his trance, and the jealousy only amplified. God, how Clawd wished he were Jackson. God, how Clawd wished you would pay more attention to him than Jackson. God, how he wished everything between you two would be intimate and full of affection.

In a fit of jealousy, Clawd stalked over to you. He towered over you, blocking you from seeing Jackson. He held a sly grin on his face. You backed away slightly to give you some distance from him, but it didn't seem to phase Clawd.

"Hey, what're you doing out of class?" He asked.

"I couldn't take it anymore. Mad Science is just too boring for me." You huffed.

He chuckled lightly, his deep voice echoing through his throat. "Well, I guess that's a good excuse."

"Hah, yeah." You replied.

Clawd glanced over at Jackson, who stood to the side with his arms crossed. He grinded his teeth, and Clawd gave him a friendly, fake smile before turning back to you.

"You know, I was thinking that we should go to Marge's Diner. They have some good food, you know. What do you say we ditch here and go eat? I'll pay."

"Uh, no." Jackson intervened, standing between you and Clawd.

"No?" Clawd challenged, stepping closer to Jackson.

"I said no."

"I'm pretty sure (Y/N) can choose this for herself. You're not her man, last time I checked."

"Guys, stop." You sighed.

"Fine." Jackson huffed.

"Let me know what you want to do later, (Y/N). I'll be waiting for your text?" Clawd sent a sweet smile to you before stomping off. You sighed again.

"Jackson, this is why I can't have friends." You whined. "You always scare them off!"

"Only if they're bad." Jackson shrugged.

"Clawd isn't bad. He's friendly."

"Yeah!" Jackson snorted. "He's so friendly you'd think it's fake!"

"Stop it." You teasingly slapped his stomach.

Jackson let out a chuckle as his face heated.

"Well, we should go back to class." He hummed. "We don't wanna be gone too long."

"Yeah, I guess so." You pouted.

Yandere Clawd Wolf x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now