stealing from norman Nordstrom

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Me and my friends pull in the drive way of a blind man name norman Nordstrom he was walking his dog Alex ask is he blind i knew i shouldn't have change my mind got involved with this and i say well were here now so we can't back out and it going t...

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Me and my friends pull in the drive way of a blind man name norman Nordstrom he was walking his dog
Alex ask is he blind i knew i shouldn't have change my mind got involved with this and i say well were here now so we can't back out and it going to a quick in out job then we won't have to do this again alex go get the camera we set up before he could do that a big Rottweiler was on car window barking at us

His owner call him back over to him and they went back to the house and he put the dog inside his dog house and went inside to sleep and alex got the camera we saw the surveillance video of the house and i say come on let go and we stood at the front door and i grab a brick a smash the window and craw inside while being very quite and found the alarm i quickly disabled the alarm and open the door for my friends as we shared the house i found the money in the closet and put the code to the safe inside 2799 and it open and i put the money inside my red bookbag and close the safe and lock it and put the small piece of wood over it and alex say he gas out and won't be a problem anymore for us

Money shoot the gun and it goes through the bottle hit the locked knock it off and i pull the door open and me and Rocky along with alex went to the basement and Norman Nordstrom woke up hearing bullet from a gun and money say sorry man i wasted but i'm going to leave now and he feels the locked under his feet and money notice it and continue saying stay right were you are i know what down there and i'm not leaving without it but he just keep moving towards money and he say what you going blind and deaf at the same time stay fucking where you are man but of course he shoot the gun off and the man shovel to the wall ask how many of them are and he answered 3 please don't kill me but the man kill him and dispose of his body

While we are in the basement we notice a man tie up and i take the new article in his hand that reads the son of Norman Nordstrom survived while his mother die in a car crash and i found the safe put the code in 2799 and unlock the harness and chains on him we help him to the trapdoor straight as alex was open we hear foot steps moving fast but they are now quite and alex open the trap door and stand there is norman nordstrom point a gun at us he shoot alex in the heart and shoot five bullets in his son and choke him to death cause he wasn't breathing and he say bastard of a son as i witness him killing his son

I slow back away from this man that has keep in this basement before and i was close to the stairs bit o bump into glass know on the floor as it shattered and Norman Nordstrom was behind me and push me in the wall as i fell on the ground and started trying to crawl but he break my ankle on right foot and he sat on my back and put his forearm around my neck and choke me out and he hit me on my eye and i pass out

Once he know i out cold he put me in the chains and harness and he just sit in the chair with his son body on the ground next to him and i woke up crying my ankle was broke and i saw norman nordstrom sitting in a chair and look in my direction
He say your awake princess didn't think i would see you again but you and your friends tried to rob me inside my but you will have to finished my son sentences and give me a baby cause your not leaving after that either my son will still be alive if you have not broke into my house and he move beside me and stroke my hair as he continued saying i just have to train you to be my good girl since you have forgotten obedience training and his hand around my throat and choke and i begging not to kill me and he push me on the mattress and say good night princess and he went back upstair and locked the basement and went to his bedroom and in his comfort bed

I went to sleep on the mattress trying to get comfortable the chains and harness is making it hard but sleep take over i was out cold

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