1; No place id rather be

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The busy streets of New York always seem so much more chaotic when it's raining. Bad day to not wear a coat. Pushing past all the people that are rushing to find cover and get where they need to be. We're all so similar but in the strangest of ways. Finally I reach the doors to my work building. Quickly pushing the doors open, hurrying to get out of that rain.

"Goodmorning Olivia. Looking wet, forgot your coat again?" I'm greeted by the woman standing behind the counter with a big smile on her face.

"Hey Evie, oh don't even start me I'm froze." I state sending a smile her way. I squeeze my soggy dyed pink hair as I make my way to the lift.

"Oh by the way." Evie suddenly says making me turn my attention back on her.
"Quinn is in a bad mood today so, good luck." She finishes sending a sorry smile to me. I nod as I turn back to the lifts.
Just what I need on this miserable day. My already bitchy boss in a bad mood.

"Where are they? I asked for the paper to be printed by today!" I hear shouting as I turn the corner to my office.

"Oh Olivia there you are." I'm suddenly being integrated by my boss.
"I need you to sort out the work that I needed doing being I know I can rely on you." She sends me a quick smile before turning back away a finishing her rampage on the other workers.

"Fuck sake." I say quietly to myself as I sit down and turn on my computer. Gonna be a long day.


Finally, I can go home. As soon as my clock hits 6pm I'm out those doors and heading back to my overly expensive small apartment. It's not very much space but I love it. It's home to me. I'm greeted by my black cat, Polly, and my best friend, Gracie, who's sat comfortably on my sofa.

"Long day?" She asks me lazily as I sit on the sofa next to her.

"Ugh tell me about it." I groan as I grab her beer she's drinking and sink deeper into my sofa.

"You need to quit that place man. Quinn's a bitch." Grace states steal her beer back.

"I know, I will one day I just, I can't right now." I tell her quietly.
I'm broke. I feel broker than broke sometimes, now is one of those times. Im only just getting by and my current job is the most I can get payed right now at 21. I cant just leave. I have nor the time or money to do so.

"I'm just gonna go to bed." I say almost whispering as I push myself up and make my way over to my room.

"Ok goodnight, love you" Grace calls out as I close my door.

After a long shower I'm now in my favourite place, my bed. All comfy in my covers and my cat curled up next to me with my record player playing quietly from my bed side table. There is really no place I'd rather be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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