Chapter 1

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I inhaled and gripped my backpack straps. The first day of the second week of school was beginning. I heard commotion and turned around. then I saw them. The "high court" of the scholarship campus, should I say. Let me introduce you.

It's only appropriate to start with George himself. Washington.

a) Older than the rest of them

b) Sort of their leader

c) Has a girlfriend named Martha

d) Everyone teases him about being Alexander's "dad." They all call him Washingdad.

Who's Alexander? Only the famous Alexander Hamilton.

a) Got here on a scholarship after a hurricane destroyed his town

b) Mother died of sickness, and dad fled at 4

c) Trauma

d) Jules' best friend and everyone knows he's in love with John, but no one discusses it except Jules. She badgers him on it relentlessly.

Then Jules. Notorious for being the only girl on campus, she is chaos in human form.

a) Red curls that bounce everywhere

b) Sings 24/7 (usually pop or show tunes)

c) The physical embodiment of the song Green Green Grass by George Ezra (up above)

d) Obsessed with the musical Miranda for some weird reason.

e) Hamilton's best friend

John is one of my favorites. He's always nice to me.

a) SUPER gay. Not regular gay, but SUPER gay.

b) LOVES turtles. A lot.

c) He and Lafayette and Hercules are the "Party gang."

Next, Lafayette.

a) Sass

b) Dating Herc

c) Dad was a vet and died in a war

d) VERY rich, but still goes to the scholarship campus with his friends because he bribed the headmaster, Philp Schuyler.

Hercules is intense. I don't interact with him much, but that's what I gleaned from what John told me about him.

a) Intensity level: max

b) Very sexual

c) Curses the most out of all of them, though Jules is a close second.

And Burr. He's always second best to Hamilton, and he is very salty about that.

a) Salty

b) Frenemies with Hamilton

c) I'm acquainted with him

I really don't want to talk about him, but here goes. Thomas Jefferson.

a) I was good friends with him until we entered this school. Then he went with the rest of them, and I went with myself.

b) Sassier than Laf, though I don't know how that's possible.

c) Straight (I think...)

Okay, I really really don't want to say this, but here goes.

c) I'm madly in love with him, and have been since I met him in middle school 4 years ago.

Oh, and the name is Madison. James Madison.

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