Chapter 2

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I was sitting down for lunch when I heard some talking behind me. I chanced a glance and what do you know, it was Thomas and Jules!

"Tom-" I bristled at the nickname. I used to call him that back when we hung out. "-he looks lonely. I'm going to invite him over."

I chanced another glance. He'd grabbed her arm and was saying, "No! It'd be too..."

She rolled her eyes. I'm starting to like her more. "Too embarrassing? Your manliness can't handle an old friend joining you? Damn, Tom, you're a wimp."

She gasped and smirked at him. "Do you liiiiike him?"

Thomas blushed, and I quickly whipped my head back toward my lunch so they wouldn't see my blush. "No, why would you think that?"

She rolled her eyes. "Tom, I've known you all of five days and you blush every time I mention James. I'm going to go get him, and maybe tell him your secret~." She wiggled her eyebrows.

I took a bite of my sandwich so she didn't think I was listening as she approached me, Thomas hot on her heels. "James?" I turned around. "Do you wanna come sit with us?"

I nodded and started packing up my lunch so I could move. As I was doing that she wiggled her eyebrows and said, "Oh, and James? Tom here is in looove-"

Her sentence was cut off as Thomas put his hand over her mouth, which she subsequently licked and he moved his hand away with disgust, wiping it on his shirt. (AN: I wouldn't actually do that, it just makes for a funnier story.)

I quickly finished packing up my lunch and hurried after them. I spent the rest of lunch talking and joking with the group. It was nice, being included for once.

King's Prep - A Hamilton AUWhere stories live. Discover now