Chapter 6 The Black liquid

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Harumi: What do you mean..? Have you figured out who has done it

Kai: Yes I have..

Harumi: Who is it?!

YOU! Kai yelled as he pointed at harumi angrily.


Harumi: What?! No I would never! well I would but not anymore I promise!

Lloyd: Guys we shouldn't make accusations if we don't have any proof.

Kai: Come on lloyd how can you be blinded by her lies?

Lloyd: I trust her. I dont think she would do that. Plus shes clearly trying to help- 

Before lloyd could finish his sentence he started to throw up this black creepy liquid. Everyone was horrified.

Misako: W-what is that..?!

I-im not sure. Master wu said as he examined it.

Jay: Ew.. 

Nya: Jay! 

Jay: What.? it is disgusting.

Nya gave jay a serious look.

Jay: ok.. im sorry.

Kai: Lloyd are you okay..?

Lloyd: I-

Before lloyd could say anything he passed out and almost fell in the black liquid before being caught by kai.

Kai: Lloyd! 

Harumi: Guys we have to help him!

Kai: No! get away from him harumi we dont want you causing anymore trouble!

Harumi: But I didnt even do anything..

Kai: Lloyd may not be able to see through your lies but I can. and soon ill show him the cold hearted person that you are.

Harumi was silent.. and soon tears started rolling down her face.

Is that what you really think of me..? A heartless liar? Harumi said as she tried to wipe the tears off her face.

Kai: Well.. 

I-its fine.. I understand how you feel. Harumi said as she wiped the tears of her face.

Harumi: lets just put lloyd to bed.

Zane: Yes good idea.

As kai slowly put lloyd in his bed. but in a couple of moments to their surprise lloyd woke up.

Kai: Lloyd!

Lloyd: W-what happened?

That happened jay pointed at the black stuff on the wooden floors.

Lloyd: W-what is that?!

Cole: Thats what were trying to figure out.

Misako: Perhaps we can sample it.

Zane: Okay.

Jay: well whos gonna get the sample? Im not touching that stuff.

Zane: ill do it. lemme just grab a small container.

Nya: Just use the bottle on the table.

Zane: Ok.

Zane put on some black gloves and got a small sample of the black stuff.

Zane: Ok Ive got some of it. 

Nya: I can take this to pixal and she can run some test on this.

Misako: Okay ill come with. You all should look after lloyd.

Kai: Okay

Lloyd: *cough cough* Im fine guys.

Kai: No your not. Do you not see the black stuff..?

Ugh.. ok Lloyd said with an annoyed look on his face.

Harumi: Lloyd were just trying to help you.

Lloyd: I know but I just dont want to sit around being helpless.

Kai: Your not.  We just want you to get better.

Ugh whatever lloyd said with an attitude as his eyes quickly flashed purple.

What was that?! Jay said with a nervous look on his face.

Lloyd: what was what?

Kai: Yea what are you talking about..?

Jay: You didnt see that

Cole: See what..?

Jay: His eyes! they were purple!

WHAT?! Cole and Kai yelled both with a shocked face.

Harumi: Wait what?!

Lloyd: What are you talking about..? 

Ugh Why do I feel so angry lloyd thought.

Kai: Lloyd are you okay?

Yes Im fine how many times will you ask me that? Lloyd snapped.

Kai looked at lloyd with a confused expression. Because Lloyd had never snapped at kai before.

Lloyd: What.? Why are you looking at me like that?

Kai: Oh No reason..

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