Chapter 1

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When he was waiting for the doctor, Izuku couldn't stop moving. Even when his mother got him to sit down he was practically vibrating. When the doctor finally came back Izuku shot up, his concerned mother following at a more reasonable pace. "What are the results, doctor?" Inko was nervously wringing her hands.
"You have nothing to worry about Mrs. Midoriya. Your son will be getting a quirk." He opens a file he had with him. "You see, since quirks showed up in humans, there have been several studies that show a link between the likelihood of a quirk and certain parts of the body. For example, the pinkie toe. The second joint serves no purpose and is removed during what has been called human evolution. The same has happened with the muscles in the ears."
Inko breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. But why is it so late?"
The doctor waves her off. "Don't worry, these things happen. At the worst he'll be getting his quirk a year late. But, better late than never."
Inko nods. "Yes, I guess so. Thank you doctor." She gets up from her chair and takes Izuku's hand and they leave.

*10 years later*

A child with pale white skin and no hair or face is walking down the street in an Aldera uniform and yellow backpack. This is Izuku Midoriya. There's a large crash from slightly down the street. Izuku runs towards the noise to see a giant monster villain fighting Kamui Woods. He immediately grabs a notebook from thin air and begins rapidly taking notes, his thoughts going a mile a second. The bystanders took a few steps back from him, unnerved by his appearance. He didn't really take note of it, since he'd grown numb to such passive aggression. The wooden hero is backhanded by the massive villain, but using a branch from his hand he manages to catch himself and catapult on top of the train station. "Illegal use of powers during rush hour as well as assault and robbery. You're the definition of evil."
Some fangirls near Izuku squeal. "You can do it Kamui!"
Kamui raises a hand and lots of branches begin to grow out of it. "Lacquered chain pris-"
"Canyon cannon!" Izuku recoils as a woman twice the size of the villain flies out of a side street and kicks him in the face, rendering him unconscious. He furiously writes in his notebook, adding entries for Mt Lady and Kamui Woods while he continues on his way to school.

At Izuku's school, class has started. "Alright students. Today you're supposed to fill out these career plans." The teacher wantonly tosses them away. "But what's the point? You all want to be heroes." Every student except our protagonist and a narcissistic Pomeranian show off very underwhelming quirks.
Said Pomeranian stands on his desk. "Hey, don't lump me in with these extras! I'm going to be the best of the best and they'll be lucky to be some sidekick to a D-list hero!" This was met with complaints from his classmates. "You all know I'm right! I aced the mock exam and I'm going to be the most famous hero since All Might!" There's chatter among the class about how difficult it is to get into UA.

The teacher looks over one particular student. "Midoriya, didn't you apply for UA as well?"
There's a moment of silence before whispers break out. "He's trying for the hero course?"
"How does he plan on being a hero with a villainous quirk?"
Izuku slumps in his seat when an explosion suddenly destroys his desk. "You think you can rub shoulders with me, freak?"
Izuku is rapidly waving his hands dismissively when a voice in Bakugo's head speaks. "No, I'd never want to challenge-"
Bakugo explodes the place Izuku's face would have been. "Stay out of my head, sideshow loser!"
The teacher finally steps in. "Bakugo that's enough. Get back into your seat."

At the end of the day, everyone is packing away their things while Izuku makes a few last minute additions to his hero analysis from earlier that day. Unfortunately, a Pomeranian takes the book. "We're not done here nerd."
Bakugo's lackeys sneak a peek of the book in his hand. "Hero analysis for the future? Unless you plan on killing someone, you won't need this."
When Izuku stands up to reach for his notebook, Bakugo makes it explode in his hands and chucks it out an open window. "The best heroes showed early signs of greatness, even as regular students. I plan on being the only hero to come out of this crummy school. Guess I'm just perfect that way. In short," he places a hand on Izuku's shoulder and some smoke rises from under his hand "don't even bother trying to get into UA." When Bakugo leaves with his goons, he can't help but say one more thing. "You know if you really want to be a hero, there's still one thing you can do. Pray you'll have a better quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building." Izuku clenches his pale hands in rage and turns to Bakugo as he leaves, but Bakugo glares back at him and he cowers in place.

Izuku is grabbing his burnt notebook from the koi pond that it landed in. 'My dreams are now fish food. You shouldn't say those things Kacchan. What if I actually jumped? Then where would you be?' On the way home from school, he takes a detour to avoid going the same way as his tormentor. 'I can't let Kacchan get me down. Yes, my quirk is really unique, and kind of scary, but there are plenty of heroes with scary quirks, like Gang Orca! I'll make it as a hero, no matter what he says!' Unfortunately, Izuku was so caught up in his inner monologue that he didn't notice weird sludge coming out of a nearby manhole.
The goo surges towards Izuku, enveloping him, revealing a set of eyes and teeth floating in it. "You're a real hero kid, I needed a medium size flesh suit to get out of here. Just don't struggle and it won't hurt. Much." The last word was spoken with a creepy level of glee. Thankfully, Izuku doesn't have any orifices currently available for the villain to enter, leaving him mostly unharmed.

Suddenly, a black tendril shoots out of the gelatinous mass and impales a nearby wall. Izuku is pulled from the sludge villain, revealing the black tendril to be attached to his back, coming out through the new hole torn in his uniform. The sludge villain growls. "I don't have time for this. I'm not going to prison!" The manhole that the villain came out of shoots up and imbeds itself in the ceiling of the tunnel before an unnaturally muscular blonde comes out of it. "Never fear civilian! Why? Because I am here!" The new arrival throws a punch strong enough to send a gust of wind at the villain that splatters him against the walls and the blonde stuffs him into a large soda bottle.

"Are you alright civil- OH MY GOD YOU HAVE NO FACE!" Izuku was taken aback by the scream of the giant but he quickly composes himself and gets a good look at his savior before ranting telepathically. "OhmygoodnessitsAllMight!!!" He grabs his burnt notebook from the ground. "Can you sign my- you already did! Thankyouthiswillbeafamilyheirloom!"
All Might had to stop him so he could think. "Woah young man, I'm not used to telepathy like this. If you could slow down a moment."
Izuku rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "Right, sorry."
All Might exits the tunnels and bends his knees. "Anyway, I must deliver this criminal to the police. You might be able to catch me again on tv!"
Izuku watches as All Might prepares to push off. 'Wait. I still have so much to ask you.'
"Until next time, thank you for your support!" All Might pushes off the ground and launches himself through the sky. He feels something off about his weight so he looks down to see Izuku hanging off his leg. "What the?! Young man, release me! This level of enthusiasm is a bit much!"
Izuku uses his telepathy. "If I let go I'll probably die!"
All Might is ashamed he hadn't thought of that. "Fair point. Hold on, I'll try to land us somewhere!"

After landing on a nearby apartment complex, Izuku sends All Might a telepathic "Sorry."
All Might whips around to face his fan. "That was incredibly reckless young man!"
Izuku hangs his head. "Sorry, but I have to ask you something really important. Can I-" before Izuku could finish his line of thought, there's a puff of smoke to reveal skinny All Might. "Who are you? Where's All Might? Are you an impersonator?"
All Might waves him off. "I assure you I am All Might."
He starts puking up lots of blood which shocks Izuku. "Oh my god do you need a doctor!?"

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