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Brianna's pov.
Well hey there my name is Brianna Forrester or you can just call me bri for short, well I'm 17 and I have medium brown hair and I have bright hazel eyes I'm not to talk but not to short either now let me get deep with you and tell you bout my life I live basically on my own I did have an older brother but he Moved out and for my parents well let's just say my mom is a job freak so she's working 24/7 and for my dad well my mom and I left him when I was 15 he would come home drunk and abuse me it had gotten so bad that I was scared to tell my mom I remember me and my brother hiding in the closets scared to death my brother didn't get hurt bad but he got slapped here and there for me it was daily beatings until one night my mom came home and saw and took me and my brother And moved to Cali ,i lived in North Carolina before Cali but since my brother was older he left for college soon but never contacted again as for mom well you know......job freak and yeah there's my life for you I know crazy right.

Present day-----
TV:The states top criminal Matthew Espinosa is on the run again he is around Riverside Brooke's neighborhood.:

That truly scared me the states top criminal is around the neighborhood I'm living in, why this is bad well.
1.I'm 17 and living alone
2.i could be his next target
3.i could get rapped to young to die
As I was in my thoughts something froze my blood, I heard a knock on the door I couldn't just ignore it, it could have been my neighbors son whom I babysit, I slowly went to the door and opened it and there stood a boy I would be lying if I said he was ugly he was very attractive "hello darling" he said and with that everything went black.

Kidnapped. M.EspinosaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora