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Matts pov
After bri told me bout her dad and her past I felt so bad for punching I honestly didn't know why I did that I have anger issues like bad I was currently holding her in my arms in the bathroom she was holding on to me it's been I while since I got her so I wonder if she was hungry "hey Bri are you hungry" I asked and she nodded she was already changed so I might as well tell her that some of the guys are coming over and guys as in Carter, Nash, Cameron etc. "ok well lets head down stairs and get some food some of my friends are coming over" I said "okay but can you carry me down" she said with her hands still around me, which made me laugh "ha sure princess" I said and picked her up she was like really light it was like carrying a little girl I took her down and I to my surprise when I got down there Carter was lying on the fricken table eating a damn banana i guess Bri noticed "Umm Matt Who's that?" She said pointing at Carter "that's my best friend Carter he's a pig, haha watch this" I said and put bri on her feet and walked over silently and tipped the table over dumping Carter over i look over seeing Bri laughing her head off "Ayy what was that for man you almost made me pee" Carter said getting up "well now you know next time to sit in a chair" I said he just smirked at me "haha very funny and is that her" Carter said pointing at Bri "yeah" I said and gestures Bri to come over "hey I'm Bri" she said "I'm Carter" and they said there hello's
Bri's pov
It was okay here I guess but I still want to go back home I just met Matts friend, Carter and he's really hot to I'm not gonna be surprised if his other friends are hot to, I really wanted to go shopping "umm Matt can we go shopping cause I really don't have any clothes left" I said scared a bit of what he would say he looked at me for a sec then said yes, "just wait here for a sec let me get something" he said running to his room then coming back "here let me see you wrist and I showed him my wrist and he put this silver bracelet on "this is a tracking device so you don't run away" he said and I nodded, he's crazy "you can take my car and don't scratch it" he said and tossed me the keys "kay" I said and headed out the door "Bye Matt, Bye Carter" I yelled before closing the door "Bye, Be safe" they both said and I got in the car It was a nice silver Range Rover I backed out and headed to the mall Matt had given me his credit card to use I arrived to the mall and I headed to towards Aero then Hollister, and so on I was walking out and I put my clothes in the trunk then I felt a big pair of arms around me and my eyes were blindfolded and my arms tied and my legs I'm pretty sure there was more then one person I was throne into the car so I'm guessing there stealing the car to great, I was squirming in the back until I felt the car stop and someone pulled me out and threw me over there shoulders and a door open "Yo Man I gotta Girl and She's hot" the person said "yea I helped him get her at the mall" another voice said "haha nice man" Another voice said that sounded like Carter, what is going on, "wait a minute put her down" said Matt?! and that's what happened "oh my good ness Taylor" he said and took the blindfold off revealing Matt "Taylor this is my girl you kidnapped the girl I kidnapped"he said and I giggled Carter cut off the tape I thanked him and looked over to see two tall boys one with a Bandanna and one that just walked in with my shopping bags and a Guitar? "Ohh I'm so sorry dude haha I didn't mean to haha" he said "haha it's fine" Matt replied "on the other hand though Shawn you should have known cause you know what my tracker looks like and you know what my car looks like dude haha" Matthew said to the other guy "haha that's why your car and license plate looks familiar" he said then the boy with the bandanna turned to me " I'm so sorry if I gave you a heart attack we didn't know you were Matts" he said "na it's fine I went through it already" I said laughing gesturing to Matt "ohh by the way I'm Taylor" "And I'm Shawn" they said "Hi I'm Brianna But you can call me Bri" I said and we laughed "MACCHEW I WANNA WATCH A
MOVIE" yelled Carter which startled me cause it was out of now where I looked over to see Carter hanging onto Matts leg, what is wrong with these guys "oh yea Bri just so you know there's about 7 more of us to meet" Shawn said and I stood there with my eyes wide while they laughed "don't worry you won't be the only girl one of one of them is a girl to" Taylor said "oh yea where are they?" Matt asked "well their supposed to be on there way, soooo Lets watch a movie while we wait" Carter said And we all agreed and went to the living room, we were watching R.I.P.D and we were about ten minutes into it when we heard guys yelling outside we all looked over and I see two figures coming closer to the house but not towards the door but towards the window until they smashed against the window revealing two boys with there face squished against the window "CASH" Shawn screams, I was just confused af' then I heard the door open revealing another boy and A girl who had really poofy hair she was pretty "hey guys sorry bout those things over there they had a couple cups of coffee today" she said "Yeah they almost crashed us while driving here to" the boy said and they Came over to Us and some the other two boys came in "hey whose this?!!" The boys with really blue eyes said "this Is Brianna or Bri" Matt said "Hi Bri" they said in unison "I'm Aaron" the Boy with cute puppy eyes said "I'm Cameron" the one with brown hair and eyes said he was hot "I'm Nash" the one with the blue eyes said "And I'm Mahogany" said the girl they were really nice and funny "hey have you guys heard anything from The Jacks or Hayes?" Matt asked ohh so those are the rest of the people "Idk man I called Hayes this morning and he wouldn't answer the whole day" Nash said "I texted the jacks this morning, they didn't answer either" Mahogany said then three guys came through the door, one that looked like a mini Nash, one with Blonde hair and one with awesome eyebrows, and they looked exhausted the mini Nash had a bruise on his face, "HAYES WTF HAPPENED LIL BRO" Nash yelled going over to I'm assuming "hayes" is Nash's little brother "dude Bart he's back in town he destroyed our car while we were heading here it was the one with all the equipment" the blonde boy said "it's fine though we only took five of the small guns though.....guns wtf is happening?!?!

Kidnapped. M.EspinosaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora