Season 6: Road to Menma

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Prologue: Mafia Showdown Arc [Episode 673-689]

      The season starts when everyone is watching the news and Sounuto announcing that he will step down as Kage and then the Union of Nations is dismantled and formed into United Shinobi Republic with everyone keeping their independence and Sarada is the first president of the republic and Boruto after 4 years and finally Kokomi is the current president of this republic and after 12 years after season 4 Sounuto is sitting in his office with his assistant Maki talking to him and he found Kizama with his new friend Eriol and he proceeds to leave with them.

And he meets up with Boruto and Menma and thenthey eat dinner when the mafia leader locates Sounuto and wants to find the Boy ,he sends an assassin to kill Sounuto , but was foiled by Doogi and his family and Suzumu said that he will fight the assassin and it was revealed that the assassin is Doogi's brother Tastunoke and they fight and then Boruto helps in the fight and after they kill him Doogi and his family are welcomed at Sounuto's home and then they tell Suzumu's backstory to him an why Suzumu is strong and then at the mafia lair the leader is angry because his assassin failed so he sends Kuki Shinobu to try and retrieve the Boy and then the boy was revealed to be Steven Universe who started his journey around the world and he found that Kuki Shinobu wants him so after 3 days Kuki Shinobu reached Konoha and tried to kidnap Steven , but she failed because of Boruto's Moon Release and then when she tried to kill Menma and Sokomi , Kazuha , Arataki Itto and Kamisato Ayato saved them and it was revealed that Itto and Kuki Shinobu were former comrades and she tried to control him , but she failed in the first time and then she succeeded and he rampaged and almost killed Kazuha if Steven and Sounuto didn't interfere and then Kuki Shinobu escapes and Sounuto takes Steven home and Steven tells hm his story and Sounuto understands him and so they locate the mafia base and they clash with the mafia members and then when Arataki Itto tried to kill them Steven proposed to Sounuto that they should fuse together and they fused to form Sun Quartz and defeated Arataki Itto and reverted him to normal easily and then they separated and attacked the leader , but the leader separated Steven from his gem leading him to be weak and on the verge of death and the gem was used for a mech made by the mafia and he powered it with Rose's gem and was ready to attack Konoha and he reached Konoha and started by fighting Sounuto and his friends and then Crystalion proposed to Boruto that he should give chakra to Steven and then when Boruto gave chakra to Steven a new gemstone formed and Steven fought the mech and retrieved his gemstone and then before he killed the mafia leader the leader said: Someday you will die and lose everything and Steven was happy to see Sounuto caring for him and he was ready to return home to Beach City

The Forge of Crystal Gems Arc [Episode 690-697]

The arc starts when Steven and Sounuto visit Liyue and they meet Yelan who tells them about the Chasm

 And so they go on a mission to visit this place and then they find the Forge Of Creation and Steven and Sounuto venture into it and find a corrupted Gem and they fight him and after reverting him to normal Steven found that the Gem is male like him and the gem introduced himself as Azurite the leader of Colony C by Pink Diamond and after some time Steven and Sounuto take the warp pad to Colony A with their new friend and they eat some snacks at the city and then they meet Pearl and Connie and Dennis and they welcome Steven back home and then Greg Universe comes and sees his son with Sounuto and they go to Steven's home and Steven was a bit nervous about what did the mafia leader say to him and he finds Amethyst eating some Cheez Its [not the real ones] and they said that Garnet was on a mission so she isn't here and then the Yakuza entered and tried to kidnap Steven and he attacked them in rage and then Garnet came and saw Steven going berserk so she attacked him , but she was smacked into the wall and then Sounuto using his sword stabbed Steven in the chest and killed him and that was the meaning of the speech of the mafia leader and Steven died and then Azurite's sister came to retrieve the Crystal Gems and Connie and Dennis took Steven to safety and then Crystalion healed Steven and he attacked the two Gem siblings who were fused and Sounuto separated them and then Steven , Amethyst and Sounuto fuse and make Sunsmoke Mega Quartz and after they have beaten up the sibling they go and find the Diamonds who declared war on Earth and then from nowhere Shounuto and Samada appeared and made the Diamonds make peace with Earth and Crystalion is reverted into a Crystal Gem and leaves and then after these events they reach home with Shounuto and Samada 

Selfless State Arc [Episode 698-706]

The arc starts when Shounuto and Samada return home and show Sounuto a new technique which is the Selfless State and then Itadori [possessed by Sukuna] appeared and tried to kill Maki because of his past with her and then after a brief fight Samada fought him , but Itadori used Selfless State also and then Satoru and Nobara appeared and tried to save Samada , but they failed and Itadori escaped to try and kidnap Menma and his friends and he almost succeeded and Sanemi is turned into a demon and then they kill Sanemi and then Subaru manifested from Itadori and emerged from Itadori and then after they fought Subaru , his mother Christa tried to stop him and she succeeded and revived all of the Sakamaki siblings and then Shounuto is poisoned so Menma and his team go to see the natives so they can find a cure

Hunting The Indoraptor Arc [Episode 707- 711]

                 The arc starts when they reach the natives and the leader recognizes the poison as Indoraptor poison so he sends the best hunter in the tribe Opo so that they get the cure which is Indoraptor scales and after falling in the waterfall and all of the Sakamaki brothers followed them, Ume finds the Indoraptor and Menma takes scales from it and after that they witness the biocycle of creatures in nature and they return and find that Shounuto is ok and they return to the village and Shounuto is leaving to meet his old friends

Reunion With Old Friends Arc [Episode 712-720]

             The arc starts when Shounuto leaves and goes to meet Kaguya Shinomiya and her friends and they were happy to see Shounuto again because they didn't see him for decades and he meets Shoko Komi and Shikamori ,but they tell him that Hisoka is back with his gang , Geni Ryodan and Shounuto was furious and he tells Sounuto and Menma about the Geni Ryodan and when Sounuto entered the backyard he found an Indoraptor is eating some meat and Menma told him that this is the Indoraptor that they confronted against the local tribes and then Machi and Shizuku attack Shounuto and they say that theyare happy to see him again , but were stopped by Sounuto who used his Katana to neutralize Machi's Bloodshed Threads and Shizuku's vacuum and then Menma used his sharingan to put them under genjutsu and then they fight the rest of the Geni Ryodan and find Hisoka and Chrollo who are very strong , but Menma ,Sokomi , Kito , Ume and Indoraptor kill Hisoka and Sounuto and Boruto and Samada kill Chrollo and Shounuto's old friends welcome him to a reunion party

Fire Nation Arc: Investigation [Episode 721-730]

 The first part start when after the party , a sailor named Magellan reaches Konoha and he says that he discovered new lands which is Konoha and then Magellan meets Menma and he tells him about Konoha and he is happy to meet the locals and Magellan came from the Fire Nation archipelago and then Fire Lord Ozai is furious because Sounuto and Boruto have killed his daughter Azula so he sends Fire Nation troops to try and assassinate Sounuto and Magellan because he is useless and then Magellan is killed but Sounuto survives and interrogates the assassins and then Ash appears and kills the assassins and Ozai was furious and will conquer Shinobi Republic to defeat Sounuto and forever 

Fire Nation Arc: Fullscale War [Episode 731-752]

            The final arc of the sixth season starts when Fire Nation ships attack Konoha and the Konoha Navy beats the ships but there is one problem that Ozai announced that he will be Phoenix King of the Sun Nation and eradicate Sounuto and his friends , but when Sozin's Comet appeared, Ozai's powers became strong because firebending becomes strong when this comet appears and the strength is also applied to fire style and Sun release and then Ozai meets Sounuto and Menma and fights them and overpowers them , but they almost defeat him , but they fail and then Menma has a plan to use Indoraptor to attack Ozai , but Indoraptor fails and retreats and then on the verge of death , Menma achieves Selfless State and protects Sounuto and Konoha from Ozai and strips Ozai from his bending and even it cannot be restored bythe Avatar State which left Aang and his team stunned and surprised from Menma's powers and that he could exceed even Sounuto's powers and then the time of the elections have come and Shounuto wins and becomes the president of the Shinobi republic and everyone lives happily in a peaceful world under the banner of Sounuto Uzumaki and then Menma , Sokomi , Kito and Ume marry in a wedding and after 6 months they leave with their car and go to see this world and then Irene and Daki are alive and then Sounuto and Shounuto sit on the Hokage Rock and share a popsicle together and Samada joins them and then Shounuto stands up and jumps from the Hokage rock and he said: This is the end of my story! And after 6 years Sounuto  and Irene visit Menma, Sokomi, Kito and Ume and their children and they are happy that they will live together and Sounuto will come and visit them when they have time

This is everything for season 6

More seasons are coming soon in the next days 

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